IFL Patch Notes

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Contains InfiniteLeaftide specific changes and has diverged from End of Retail.

Infinite Leaftide Custom Patch Notes

May 2023

Aryze — 05/25/2023 12:19 AM 5/25/23 Bags Goes The Bagger has appeared in Arwic. Apparently some old crazy guy gave him a lot of 102 Slot Bags that he is now selling for 100 MMDs each. Go spend your hard earned Trade Notes!

TheBeef— 05/25/2023 10:48 PM 5/25/23: (pending code updates) Fixed a situation where the new luminance augment gems would be used up even if you don't have enough lum or say No to the prompt, basically wasting them. Added an /aug command to view your advanced magic augmentation levels. Improved the messaging in the lum aug process. Improving the spell refresh process to incorporate the augmentations. Re-casting a spell to apply it with a new aug will overwrite the prior. Since the client is unaware of the spell augments, the messaging shown might be odd but doesn't reflect the end result. This should also apply to inherent items that you wear to ensure that augmented spells take priority (this has been riddled with edge cases so I'm sure ya'll will find more) Fixed an issue where Life augs weren't applying to harms specifically

Aryze — 05/26/2023 12:03 AM 5/26/2023: Tusker Menace Hunter has arrived in Oolatunga's Refuge. Search him out for an opportunity to kill some Tusker Menace s and gain some experience. Rewards currently are just XP, but will be adjusted if necessary. This is my first attempt at making a KT, so be gentle 🙂 Also the KT is on a 12 hour timer. Allegiance Rank required to purchase a mansion has been reduced to 4 from 6.

Aryze — 05/27/2023 2:23 PM 5/27/2023 Tailoring reducing items have been reduced from 50MMDs to 1MMD in cost.

TheBeef— 05/27/2023 6:31 PM 5/27/23: Patched an issue with the MP exemption. Detail: There were a few ways for one account to leave MP after 2 other accounts log in, and then basically able to bypass the limitation. At least the one that I caught is fixed - one account will be logged out if this is attempted. ENL no longer touches Lum at all. Need to keep shaving off edge cases on this, as it's something the client does it's a little black box Withdrawing 1 luminance from the bank will cause the luminance bar to re-appear in cases where it's disappeared. This is due to enlightenment previously setting the MaximumLuminance property to 0, which if combined with NOT wiping out the luminance quest flag, caused wacky crap to happen. (related to 2) Fixed the issue where multiple aug gems were getting consumed in your inventory if you used one. Little did I know (or read) that the default for that function was like 2.4 million items. Changed it to 1.

Aryze — 05/28/2023 1:22 AM 5/28/23 Added a buff bot to Candeth Keep In an effort to get BSD to be a bit less camped. The following changes have been made: Tusker Menace had a significant increase in HP. Stompers have had their HP increased, I felt their HP was broken from retail. EO main has now been infiltrated with Olthoi Slashers and Slayers. The spawn rate is substantially increased, and Rippers have been removed. Enraged Stompers have also had their HP increased. Prismatic tapers now stack to 10,000, and have had their burden reduced from 6 to 3. The 15 day old account requirement to buy a house has been removed In order to speed up augmentations, The price from Marid has been reduced from 3 stipends to 1. Olthoi Slashers and Slayers have had their XP bumped up from 800,000 each to 1 million to balance better vs. the current BSD setup.

TheBeef — 05/29/2023 12:04 AM 5/28/23: Added code to handle setting strength on the mule booster. Think that's like the last thing we needed? Fixed an issue with players with no lum in their bank not receiving passup lum

Aryze— 05/29/2023 1:29 AM 5/20/23 Added Olthoi Slasher and Olthoi Slayer KTs in Eastwatch Added Buffer NPC to Arwic near lifestone Egg Orchard West has been absolutely overrun by Olthoi Rippers with a rapid spawn rate. Be careful out there folks. Added a portal to Deep Mukkir Nest (Part of DI Flag Quest) at the Vissidal Drop (79.0N 58.6E). This is in preparation to Vissidal changes. Put a Weapon Exchanger in MP. He will convert your "War Magic" academy wand to a Biting Strike version. The Biting Strike version does not level via item leveling so this is mainly for testing for the future.

TheBeef— 05/30/2023 12:18 AM 5/30/23: 1.One piece that was missed in the mule boost enablement code Tuned some of the server settings to increase throughput and resource utilization. Basically "tweaking it up" Nalicana was handing out lum like it was meth to kindergartners. Disappointing, Nalicana. Disappointing.

Aryze— 05/30/2023 6:10 AM 5/30/23 Added Monroe and Marid to marketplace Increased the number of stipends allowed per month to 30, from 4. Essentially eliminating the restriction.

Aryze— 05/31/2023 1:36 PM 5/31/23 Bronze Statues now drop their trophy 100% of the time, up from 5%.

Mule Booster added to south east room in Marketplace with the following functions: Character can no longer gain pass-up XP, or generate any XP itself Character strength is boosted to 5000 All skills are untrained, and skill credits are removed Gives 108 slot packs that are attuned and bonded, you can speak to the NPC multiple times for multiple packs. Augs an extra pack slot Removes the ability to portal and use portal gems. Please go and try to break the mule booster, want to make sure it's not exploitable. We are currently allowing the mule to teleport around to allow it to go to your home, but if this becomes an issue it can be turned off.

TheBeef — 05/31/2023 10:28 PM 5/31/23: Mule Boosted toons can't join fellowships. You're a mule, you have no friends. Some bank shenanigans around withdrawing lum and py in the negative. ENL items actually USE the ENL items, not just check that you have them.

June 2023

Aryze — 06/01/2023 2:15 AM 6/1/23 Obsidian Plains BSD is now summonable and has a level 180 minimum. Dread Mattekar Paws are now 100% drop rate to reduce the time required to gather mansion items. Dread Idol and Idol now have a 100% chance to drop an Idol Gem on their corpse. All Siraluun Claw quest items have had their drop rate increased from 5% to 50%. This is being done to make those quests less tedious and time consuming.

TheBeef — 06/01/2023 10:44 PM 6/1/23: Fixed another bank issue with negative transfers of lum being possible. I was honestly more surprised that transfers worked, tbh. Fixed an issue where all transfers were registering with -1 amount Fixed an issue where Nalicana was charging lum from both your bank and your normal lum meter. Caught double dippin... Updated the enlightenment command to check for recalling or teleporting and stopping enlightenment if motion is in progress. FUN DETECTED Fixed an issue where a player could get stuck in purple bubbles after going through a portal if they hit a landblock loading condition just right

Aryze — 06/02/2023 7:20 PM 6/2/23: Fixed the Armor Middle Reduction Tool Cost to 1 MMD Added tailor (Ianto) to the SE wing of the marketplace

TheBeef — 06/03/2023 2:23 PM 6/3/23: Fixed an issue where Life Magic Augments and Item Augments were causing a data overflow in the damage resistance calculation, resulting in their intended protection to in fact operate like a vulnerability. This appears to have affected all protections, including Bludgeon (which in turn affected falling damage, which was the use case that I could track this down). This is similar to how the item experience suddenly flips negative, but at a much smaller scale. I've effectively cored through all spell an enchantment code to upgrade the data types to allow for floating point math to work. Needless to say, I need to continue testing this in various cases and every time I've touched this code it's been borderline hilarity. Interestingly, there's a spot in the melee calculation where very high elemental resists on armor (oops) would also cause an overflow with melee attacks, resulting in either 0 damage or insta-smash, even without buffs.

TheBeef — 06/04/2023 11:28 PM 6/4/23: Nalicana won't put your personal luminance into the negative now. Good lord this chick is high maintenance. Enlightenment requires you to be full-up on your vitae, and now will prevent you from enlightening with a current penalty. It was leading to some oddball behavior and at worst case you just had a giant xp requirement. Continuation to the wacky damage bug from yesterday, which would only apply to life augs over 100 applying a creeping vuln which would counter the protect at 200 augs.

Aryze — 06/05/2023 9:38 AM 6/5/23: The following gromnies now have a 50% chance to drop their teeth, up from 5%: Rust, Azure, Ivory, Swamp, Ash, Sable, Ebon, Brass, and Copper The following gromnies have a 100% chance to drop their teeth, up from 25%, Adolescent Rust, Adolescent Azure, Adolescent Ivory, Adolescent Ash, Emergent Rust Gromnus, Emergent Ash Gromnus, Emergent Azure Gronus, and Emergent Ivory Gromnus. Prismatic Peas now split into 1000 prismatic tapers, their burden has been increased from 10 to 50, and cost has been increased from 2750 to 15000. Prismatic Peas have been added to all Master Mages Encapsulated spirits now stack up to 10,000 from 50. Also their weight has been cut in half to 25 burden each from 50. MMD notes now weigh a whopping 0 burden. Swamp Temple: Added a mob generator that generates Swamp Gromnies where they normally are at a faster rate Got rid of the Gman door that nobody could kill, that should fix that issue 🙂 Aun Amanaluauaunauanuanaunnaua in Candeth now sells Mana Scarabs

TheBeef — 06/08/2023 8:49 PM 6/8/23: WIPE! Fixed a couple hangups with starting Dynamic Quests. Added more smoothing, fixing, and other cleanup and efficiencies to that process. Fixed a startup patching issue that was lingering from ACE after wipes. Updated the multi-threading capabilities through multiple library updates. Shaved around 20% off CPU cost, more importantly improving the scale and throughput of the server. Olthoi can't use the bank. Sorry bugs, you're death machines of insectoid destruction. We can't have that kind of thing on wall street. Wait... Released the Clucken.

Aryze — 06/09/2023 6:28 AM 6/9/23 The bag vendor has returned Aydra the Redstributor is fixed, she now longer sells the spectral sword (oops, wrong weenie on ACPP!), and now has the two hand gem and the attribute gems. Peas now split into 1000 of the item Matron Hive North spawn rate fixed Matron Hive South spawn rate fixed Mule Booster is now giving out bags again... ya savages Buff bot is doing level 8s again Tusker Barracks again has an increased spawn rate Tusker Menace KT has been fixed Reduced rank requirement to purchase a mansion to 3 Reduced stipendtimer and aug timers again, requires a server reboot to take effect. Bumped up Tusker Menace's health, they were dying too easy Infinite Leaftide Customs is now up in the NE section of the marketplace, his first item for sale is a HUB recall gem. Prismatic Peas upped to 30k pyreals per before the vendor inflation

Aryze — 06/10/2023 12:46 PM 6/10/23 Infinite Leaftide Customs that resides in the NE room of MP now sells regular imbue salvage for 10 MMDs each, and a few bags of the commonly used salvage as well. Marid and Monroe moved to NE room in MP Added Sealed Black Opal and Sealed Fire Opal to the vendor in MP. Woot Goes the Wombat has earned the title: Number one draft pick, for being 1st overall for enlightens prior to the wipe. Nasty has earned the title: Dude of DOOM! for being 1st overall in QB prior to the wipe. Tusker Menace Kill Task timer has been reduced to 10 hours

TheBeef — 06/10/2023 1:05 PM 6/10/23: Fixed cases where QB stamp message was spamming when it wasn't actually a new QB post-wipe. Admin niceties- /clearquest and /clearspellcache More checks and restrictions on movement and certain activities during Enlightenment. The intent is that it should no longer be possible to directly resume high-level content immediately after Enlightenment.

Aryze — 06/11/2023 6:11 PM 6/11/23 First update to Vissidal is now complete. All mobs have had their XP number updated, and also now give out luminance! TheBeef — 06/12/2023 2:26 PM 6/12/23: Safer and more general fix for the QB on/off happening with kill task counter quest stamps. Removed the animation check on Enlightenment as that was preventing it if your character was like breathing, or something. I got a little excited, sorry. Banks will now output a stack of MMDs of varying stack size, rather than flood your inventory like someone's makin it rain. Added a "title" to the /top command. Now you can see a top 25 leaderboard of how many titles the server has. (Command is /top title) /xp command can now take a attrib and a number to check the xp amoun for X ranks. For example: /xp str 10 will provide the XP cost for 10 ranks of STR. Added an /enl alias for /enlightenment. With the amount of enlightening happening this will significantly reduce the keystrokes necessary to play this server. enl's past 5 will actually spam your number now.

Aryze — 06/13/2023 3:20 AM 6/13/23 Removed the trinket gambling from the casino again 😦 Aryze — 06/14/2023 11:52 AM 6/14/23 Olthoi Slasher and Slayer KTs now require level 120 to turn in Falatacot Depot no longer shares in a fellowship... Working on making it require level 150 for the item turn in as well, but so far I'm losing the battle Enraged Stomper KT is up, right besides the Menace guy at Aphus Lassal drop Diamond Scarabs are now up for sale at the Leaftide Customs vendor, they are expensive at 1 MMD each. Ianto(Tailor) moved from SE room in MP to NE where all the vendors are going Weapon Exchanger in MP will now take your paradox-touched olthoi wand (Life or War version) and replace it with a void one. The NPC also no longer will steal your explorer greataxe (sorry)

TheBeef — 06/15/2023 12:36 AM 6/15/23: Fixed the /xp command noted above (oops) /bank now supports Aged Legendary Keys. Fixed the crash bug that Aryze caused (also, oops) Fellowship Change 1: If no other fellowship members are flagged, player will get full luminance on a kill. Obvious bug. Fellowship Change 2: Player that killed the monster gets full Lum reward, others receive their share. This is a decent net increase to lum earned, but also reduces the friction on luminance fellowships. Fellowship Change 3: Luminance Range now works just like XP Range. Also seemed like an obvious bug, pretty sure this one isn't my fault tho as I didn't mess with the base ACE fellowship code. Fellowship Change 4: Your kill experience is not reduced in a fellowship. Fellowship sharing is completely additive to your base XP gain. E.g. If you kill a monster, you gain 100% of the XP you'd normally gain outside of a fellowship. The fellowship members then gets a shared scaling amount depending on normal fellow math. This results in a rather major net gain in Fellow XP. (Both fellowship XP share change and Luminance gain are behind a server setting when this goes in, in case it gets out of hand)

Aryze — 06/15/2023 6:29 PM 6/15/23 Great Mattekar Horn drop rate has been increased to 50% Enraged Stompers and Tusker Menace now have a higher resistance to Nether damage, sorry void ringers, can't believe how much damage you were doing Tusker Menace now give a very small lum reward (5 base) Wilderness Citadel is now a viable T7 dungeon reaping similar rewards to Ayan Baqur BSD (Tusker Menace) Vissidal Mobs all upgraded to T7 loot Gotrok Behemoth Hunter now available in Linvak Tukal for the KT... Go get em! Vissidal xp and lum tuned down some, was paying out too much Encapsulated Spirits are fixed again, they are half the weight (25 instead of 50), and stack to 10,000. One of the outstanding items from the wipe.

Aryze — 06/17/2023 5:56 AM 6/17/23 I did something silly with encaps last night, changed the wrong stack size so they were dropping on mobs 10k at a time (oops). Fixed this morning, hopefully caused no issues to anyone. I reset as many landblocks as I could to make sure the issue was resolved Drop rate for trinkets was too high in Wilderness Citadel, brought it more in line with the BSDs

TheBeef — 06/17/2023 5:35 PM 6/19/23: Fixed a bank issue where if a target player is transfered pyreal or luminance without ever having any in their bank, or for lum if they're unflagged, it poofs. Poofs are bad. Found and fixed an issue where the enlightenment level check was happening after the character counted their first enlightenment (temporarily), making 276 the necessary level for first enl incorrectly. Damage Rating additions to Enlightenment have been nerfed. They now apply using the following table:

From 1-10: 1 Damage Rating per Enlightenment (Total of 10)
From 11-20: 1 Damage Rating per 2 Enlightenments (Total of 5)
From 21-50: 1 Damage Rating per 5 Enlightenments (Total of 6)
From 50 and beyond: 1 Damage Rating per 10 Enlightenments

Tuned some more settings based on distances and flagging checks in the Luminance Fellowship Sharing. Allegiance Luminance is now computed and passed to a patron on login, just like XP. Added PropertyBool.9011 to exclude characters from leaderboards who do not wish to show up, or admins that run playtesting characters that don't need to be on there. In addition, Mule characters are excluded by default. Leaderboard additions! Two new ones: /top deaths - top 25 character deaths! /top augs - top 25 people with a sum count of advanced luminance augments (the ones from the giant stone monkey) Fixed null reference exception on the SetProperty command.

Aryze — 06/18/2023 6:59 AM 6/18/23 Tusker Paw Wand slayer bonus reduced to 200% from 300%. It was significantly OP in it's retail form.

Aryze — 06/19/2023 9:23 PM 6/19/23 - Few changes to the mule booster It now sets your character level to 180 (for tailoring purposes) Sets overall XP to 0 Sets unassigned XP to 0 Upon first use, it will give you an aetheria mana stone, used for identifying aetheria All the features except the aetheria stone will work after the first use, so existing mules can utilize this

The three treetop vendors have now appeared in MP

TheBeef — 06/19/2023 11:33 PM 6/20/23 Item Augments for Banes / Impens on items were broken. Fixed those now Percent based Item enchants were giving 10% not 1% as intended. Fixed.

Aryze — 06/20/2023 12:25 AM 6/20/23 Added Laurana to the marketplace MMD notes now stack up to 5,000. They still have a burden value of 0 Infinite Leaftide Customs vendor now sells Foolproof for a bank breaking 200 MMDs each. Go Buy Em Up, he loves your notes. Infinite Leaftide Customs is at it again. He now sells the components necessary to make treated healing kits, 20 MMDs per component type, 60 MMDs total for 100 healing kits. Please note he sells a sealed bag, so you need to double click the purchased product in order for it to be usable. EO East is now a Tier 8 dungeon. On top we have Augmented Swarm Demons, and on the bottom Augmented Eviscerators. The bottom is incredibly dangerous, please tread carefully as body recoveries won't be easy. Added Janier al-Evv to the marketplace, he is the vendor that sells Aetheria Desiccants

Aryze — 06/21/2023 4:28 AM 6/21/23 Augmented Eviscrators were not hitting their target at all, fixed them this morning and unfortunately caused a crash. I'll be more choosey about my timing from here on 😉 Eviscerators will again, kill you if you approach them.

TheBeef — 06/23/2023 10:03 PM 6/23/23: Reduced the Enlightened Coin cost of Creature Spell Aug gems from 5 to 3. Because you need less Lum and Creature augs stack kinda slow. Added a Spell Duration Augmentation Gem! More ways to have spells be mildly less annoying Added a feature where if there are politics discussion on the server discord, the server self destructs and rolls back to the exact point before you got that great item. (6/25/23):

Fixed another QB Spam happening where some "on first completion!" notes were being made that weren't actually adding to QB. Weekly Seasons, folks. Months are now 7 days, and each Month is a new season. 12 Months per year means 3 passes through all seasons per year

Aryze — 06/26/2023 2:23 AM 6/26/23 Aun Amanauluauan the Elder Shaman in MP now sells Mana Scarabs again

TheBeef — 06/26/2023 10:15 AM 6/26/23: (Pending update): Found and fixed the issue with ENL Tokens getting eaten prematurely if, for some reason ENL wasn't succesfull or the animation cancelled. Fixed an issue where overlapping XP and Lum duration augmentations wouldn't add together and causing weird overlap issue. Fixed an issue where duration augments weren't included in the /aug and /top commands Fixed the message for duration aug gem use to not mention void spells because seriously copy paste is for winners. 6/26/23: Content Update: DARK ISLE! New and upgraded Dark Isle experience has been released, in a preliminary form. This is likely to see tuning in the next few days to get it in line with an exciting - albeit punishing - hunting area for the current top-end of our player base. Loot is T8 with an additional set of tune ups around custom content (slightly increased chance of Red Aether, Leg Keys, and Lum of course)

Aryze — 06/28/2023 6:26 PM 6/28/23 Removed the portal requirements from the proving grounds portion of GMan, I will remove the door again tonight if it's still there. Added a bunch of legendary chests to the northwest room in the marketplace Eo East has had the resistance to void reduced a bit, making void more useful. Also, xp has been turned up a slight bit to compete with BSD. Trying to get more people out here 🙂 Frozen Valley and Tou-Tou mobs have had their rewards increased to be more in line with other T8 content. Some active landblocks will need time to reset before the changes will be realized. Made the Olthoi in EO east (Augmented Eviscerators) a little bit more difficult, it's harder to evade

Aryze — 06/29/2023 10:12 AM 6/29/23 Removed the last of the level requirements (hopefully) from Gman Hills Citadel has now been overrun by Gotrok Destroyers. This dungeon is a t8 dungeon with good rewards, but a tough place to hunt. Recommend specialized Missile Defense Added Dark Isle and Vissidal portals to Abandoned Mine (Flagging is still necessary), also added aetheria dungeon, VoD hot drop, and Withered Bottom of Abandoned Mines, added portals to : All EOs, Citadels, and BSDs

TheBeef — 06/29/2023 9:23 PM 6/29/23: Found and fixed the issue with ENL Tokens getting eaten prematurely if, for some reason ENL wasn't succesfull or the animation cancelled. Fixed an issue where overlapping XP and Lum duration augmentations wouldn't add together and causing weird overlap issue. Fixed an issue where duration augments weren't included in the /aug and /top commands Fixed the message for duration aug gem use to not mention void spells because seriously copy paste is for winners. Lum Aug Gems are now Drop on Death and not Destory on Death

July 2023

TheBeef — 07/01/2023 4:01 PM 7/1/23: Burun Kings have had their resistances and armors nerfed, including Browerk. They also now have some void resistance, so it's no longer a pushover with void damage. Burun Kings also have a special resistance: "Endbringer Resistance x500%". If you think you can solo Browerk your damaging attacks will now heal the boss and damage yourself. Damage is classified as "Pride Damage" and can only be healed with a /rename command. Percent chance of giving Outland Portal Device increased slightly. Percent chance of giving Dangerous Portal Device increased slightly. +10%

TheBeef — 07/01/2023 4:29 PM 7/2/23: Fixed an issue where sometimes spell duration augs could default to adding a point of Void damage. Balanced out the Item Augs. Instead of 0.1 damage for Blood Drinker per Item Aug, you'll now get 0.25 damage for Blood Drinker. This effectively means 1 damage for every 4 augs rather than 1 for every 10 previously. Buffed the spell duration aug. It now adds 5% to the spell duration instead of the measly 1%. 4 of these is equivalent now to 1 of the XP augs but are still infinite Fellowship Max Members is now 29. Why 29? Something goes wacky on the client list page at 30 and I don't think I can fix that.

Aryze — 07/03/2023 9:28 AM 7/3/23 Weapon Exchanger in MP now replaces upgraded singuarity wands for void versions Reduced the health of Gotrok Destroyers to increase kill speed slightly Egg Orchard's have changed: EO Main is now Slashers/Slayers on top, Rippers on the bottom like retail, with increased spawns EO East is now all Augmented Swarm Demons EO West is now all Augmented Eviscerators 4.All custom KTs now give an Enlightened Coin upon completion Added Gotrok Destroyer KT to Linvak Tukal Added Augmented Eviscerator KT to Eastwatch Slightly increased drop rate for aetheria and trinkets for Olthoi Slashers/Slayers/Rippers Removed Marcello from his tower and put him down by the other Olthoi KT NPCs

TheBeef — 07/03/2023 11:02 PM 7/4/23: Added a new command for managing Fellowships:/fship! Use: /fship create <Name> Creates a named fellowship /fship add <Name?> Adds a named player online, anywhere to fellowship with prompt depending on character settings. Leave blank to invite target player. /fship remove <Name?> Removes a named player, similar to add. /fship leave, disband options also /fship landblock to invite all players in your landblock

Fixed an issue where the Luminance check was happening prior to accepting the prompt message box - and any changes in the meantime were ignored, effectively making a way to get augments for free.

Fixed an issue where luminance augments were applying higher values than intended to Surge effects. You wanted to REALLY fester that mob.

Aryze — 07/04/2023 4:15 PM 7/4/23 The first slayer is in the game. In Hills Citadel you will find a mob at the end who drops a hollow gem. The gem needs to be filled, and handed to an NPC for a lot of luminance, this NPC will return the slayer gem to you. None of this is cheap, enjoy. More of these to come. Doriathazaar on VR no longer gives amber shards, you just get the quest completion QB. Added Singularity Bore and Singularity Caul portals to Abandoned Mine Darkest Bobo has arrived in OP BSD, and carries with him a hollow tusker slayer gem... This is a long fight.

Aryze — 07/05/2023 3:19 AM 7/5/23 Increased the spawn amount in: Egg Orchard West, Egg Orchard East, Black Spawn Den Ayan, Black Spawn Den WJ/OP, Wilderness Citadel, and Hills Citadel. Reduced the base lum of the following mobs by 50: Enraged Stompers, Gotrok Destroyers, Augmented Swarm Demons, and Augmented Eviscerators. Sorry folks we are over producing lum at the moment. This is a pretty insignificant amount. Added a bit of drain health resistance to Enraged Stompers Withred - Reduced the spawn time of Withered Banderlings and Tumeroks from 15 minutes to 3, on landblock 1B13 Marid no longer sells Experience Certificates... They really don't have a place on an infinite server

TheBeef — 07/06/2023 12:56 PM 7/6/23: Passup Luminance Nerf: Added a server-side setting to configure lum passup percentage, so this can be tweaked or doubled?? without a code change in the future.

Found an issue with how the server sends the "fellowship member count" to the client which could be causing issues with how some Decal plugins and then metas read how many people are in a fellow. This would likely contribute to the client crashes

TheBeef — 07/08/2023 12:41 PM Next code update: Bank QoL Improvements! Legendary Keys can now be withdrawn as Durable Legendary Keys (10 uses). Withdrawing 12 keys will give you 1 Durable and 2 Aged Legendary Keys. Durable Legendary Keys can now be deposited. They add 10 Legendary Keys to your bank. Legendary Keys can now be Transferred just like Lum and Py Transfers now tell the receiving player they received something when the transfer completes

Fellowship tweak: Invites can be sent to players who would otherwise be seen as "busy" - such as casting.

An admin thing: Content command for /refreshweenie <weenieID> which will remove and reload a cached weenie from the database individually. This is to prevent wack lag spikes if someone's updating content and clearing the DB caches

Life aug tuning: See feedback channel - nerfing Protect scaling to prevent players from turning into unkillable murder monkeys.

Everything else: Mules who used the mule crystal can no longer earn QB. Browerk's protection spells have been nerfed by roughly %50. He's still a dick, but at least his prot spells won't make him basically 1/10th damage now. Changed a bit of how Enlightenment works with Society Ranks. You will still be "booted" from your current Society, but you'd retain those ranks in the background. If you choose to pick that Society again, you'd start from where you were last before you enlightened. side note, enlightening while a society master gets you a special QB Fixed a long-standing weird issue with /attr health. It can now respond to /attr vit or /attr maxhealth. It also had a rounding error in the XP calculation, which ended up costing players more XP than expected, and occasionally rounding that up to 2 points rather than 1. Math is hard, yall.

7/12/23 Balanced Trinkets and Reds as much as possible, from here its all RNG Reduced ripper spawn rate to 40 seconds from 60 in Egg Orchard Main Completing lum flag now sets your personal luminance maximum to 25 million, for those already flagged go speak to Nalicana again for the change if you find the 1.5 million cap is causing issues. Made some slight adjustments to where portals are located in Abandoned Mine, I mean moved them over a few inches. Take not meta users Added al the tusks and pincers dungeons to facility hub, the rooms are a bit crowded. Added all the eater jaw portals to facility hub, at the bottom room where nobody ever goes 🙂 Egg Orchard West has had the spawn rate drastically increased.. It was a little boring Added a Lifestone to the NW room in the marketplace Red aetheria powder is now called... Red Aetheria Powder. Yellow is now called Yellow Aetheria Powder. Blue is still "Aetheria Powder" Dark Design has been completely revamped with very difficult mosswarts inside. The level restriction is set at 200, please be careful out there and report any changes that might be necessary A ton of mosswart worshippers have arrived at the portal for Dark Design to keep you from getting in.. also .. uhh... to keep the KT doable 🙂 12.Phineas reported a significant exploit which we fixed.. He got rewarded a ton of Luminance, a QB point worth 2, and a Retired title. Everyone please be proactive and report any and all exploits you find for similar rewards. Olthoi Femurs now have a 100% drop rate from Olthoi Soldiers in the Catacombs of Opposition. Olthoi Weapons Quest. Vissidal Mobs now have a small chance to drop red aetheria and trinkets. .02% chance to be exact, same as most other hunting spots All Aug Gem related timers have now been set to 2 days, also Stipends are at 2 days as well. This won't take into effect until you run it next time and your current timer expires.

Aryze — 07/12/2023 5:57 PM Cont'd Fixed EO west level requirement to level 180 Bags Goes The Bagger now sells 10 different color packs Aun Amanaluauan, Thimrin Woodsetter, and Tunlok Weapons Master will now buy just about everything that has a value, so be careful. I have opted out of making every vendor on the server buy everything as it might cause some issues I can't forsee. But this will make selling in MP or the tree a little more streamlined

Aryze — 07/14/2023 3:32 AM 7/14/23 Tailoring Vendor is in. NE room in the marketplace. A lot of items available and some more to add. I want to thank Nasty for the initial list. This is a time consuming process and still some items need to be fixed which are still Attuned and Bonded! BUT, that won't matter when you tailor it anyway. Enjoy! 🙂 20 enlightened coins per piece. Added a barber Ealdred to the NE room in the marketplace as well Thimrin Woodsetter will buy quills again If you hand the weapon exchanger in marketplace a drudge scrying orb, he will return a drudge scrying orb of void

Aryze — 07/17/2023 2:07 PM 7/17/23 Found an error in the sql for Olthoi Slasher/Slayer/Rippers which caued more red aetheria to drop than intended, fixed and added a tiny lum reward for these same mobs. Added trinkets and red aetheria to the loot table for Tou Tou Rynthid Plains rewards have been reworked to make it more viable, trinkets and aetheria added to the loot Target for Oswald's Dirk quest now has a lot more health Added Quest Legendary Chests to MP Demerax The Prodigal Human now drops 13 shards and potions Rynthid Tenticle Weapons can now be exchanged at the Weapon Exchanger in marketplace for a version without level 8 spells. Fixed a bug in which your enlightened coins are used as pyreals if there are no pyreals in your inventory at a vendor. Be careful, your current enlightened coins will not be fixed and will be sellable

Aryze — 07/18/2023 2:00 PM 7/18/23 Olthoi Slasher and Slayer carapaces and ripper spines now stack up to 1000 have have a burden of 1 each Hills Citadel has improved rewards, xp, luminance, aetheria, and trinkets all improved.

Aryze — 07/19/2023 2:06 AM 7/19/23 All the mobs are back in rynthid plains, and things look stable Fixed the rynthid weapons quest

TheBeef — 07/20/2023 8:57 PM Upgrading the MySQL Server to more closely mimic the size of the new ACE Server. With our setup, there are 2 main systems, the Linux VM that runs ACE and only that, then there is a MySQL-database-as-a-service where you reserve CPU cycles. I'm doubling that from 2 vCPU to 4vCPU, as well as doubling the ram from 6 to 12 gb. Current ACE server is now 6 CPU, 32gb ram, which is double what it was 2 nights ago.

Upgrading the network connection between the ACE Linux VM and the MySQL Service to be dedicated "Accelerated Networking" capability from Azure. Basically, it treats the MySQL as if it were on the same local network no switch, no virtual hop, just IO to IO as the Linux VM.

Fixing an issue with Biota INT Properties not clearing out correctly. This was a find recently from last night - the way the ACE database SHOULD work is that "Child" records of something should automatically delete when a parent is deleted. A Biota is just a "Spawned thing" like 1 tusker or a Drudge or an Apple. They all have various properties that control how the thing is and acts. Well, one table has a significant amount of orphaned "Integer Properties" that, in theory, shouldn't be able to be there but are, and are causing some decent performance impacts when loading anything that is a biota. Whenever the server had to spawn or load something, and integers are the most common property, it had to load and parse through all of the "blanks" every time. Something broke structurally and these need to be cleared out - but carefully.

Rebalancing threads between World and Database in the config. Now, moving back to 0.5 multiplier for World, and 0.5 for Database. Was 0.6 and 0.4 Probably won't hurt but moves closer to ACE out-of-the-box

Adding a bunch more pre-loaded landblocks that load when server starts up. Places that are popular spots for the masses and generally load as soon as people enter them, Abandoned Mine / Sub, WJ/OP BSD, EO West, Endbringer's mom's house, etc.

OH Yeah, almost forgot, I just turned the /myquests function back on

TheBeef — 07/24/2023 8:45 PM Next update: (7/24) Blood Drinker was not applying at the correct rate. You should see a much bigger net increase to melee weapon damage with Item Augments (literally 10x what it is now. It SHOULD be 1 point of damage increase for every 4 augs - add infinitum)

Fix to the Spirit Drinker stacking issue - now the highest spell level wins, but the ties are broken by augmentations. (So, 8s will still override 7s, but 8s will cast over other 8s when augmented). Why in the hell this one is handled specifically different I probably will never know.

Fixed an issue where Void Augs would apply in a multiplicative fashion on Void Dots, resulting in a spastic nuking of anything and everything with more than one void caster. Wee.

Mules can no longer use /attr command Removed some minor checks on login that don't really apply to this server- hopefully slight speedup at scale

TheBeef — 07/24/2023 9:52 PM Live now: Tweaked up the trinket and aether drop rate on Augmented Eviscerators slightly. Also did other things to them. Despicable things, like adding more lightning damage.

Added a welcoming party to EO West portal entry room

Enlightened Coins no longer count as Money, so you won't see them counted as pyreals on vendors when they're in your bag (will only apply to new coins going forward)

Blue Aetheria Powder is now actually named "Blue Aetheria Powder"

The Ancient Tender Monkey (ATM) Now properly exchanges coins. Careful, it flings poo

TheBeef — 07/24/2023 11:58 PM Reverting a fix on Spirit Drinker change - it didn't just stack, it multiplied. 😦

Aryze — 07/26/2023 1:30 PM 7/26/23 Added Collector and Ivory Crafter to marketplace Added a town network portal to marketplace

Aryze — 07/27/2023 10:03 AM 7/27/23 Janier al-Evv no longer sells Aetheria Desiccants. They are now on the Leaftide Customs Vendor.... Please adjust your metas Added Ravenous Vault portal to bottom of facility hub Deck of Hands and Deck of Eyes now stack up to 2000 to prepare for some upcoming content.

TheBeef — 07/27/2023 9:05 PM 7/28/23 Update Spell stacking resolved! It was order dependent, so if you cast a spell then equipped an item, it would not use the highest value spell, it would use the last one cast even if it was less powerful. Now, (thanks to giwo!) the spells sort and stack correctly regardless of equip order. (Most powerful aug'd spell wins, as intended). Fix for Durable Legendary Key deposits. (Thanks giwo!) Aug Gems now have a 5 second cooldown going forward (newly purchased), unless your name is Gymnos or Endbringer. RTW Legendary Keys can now be deposited in the bank. Uber legendary chests script has been ran, should apply treasure after restart.

TheBeef — 07/30/2023 12:32 AM 7/30: Another fix for spell stacking in certain cases, such as the enchantment not applying or sticking after logout and login, or restarts. 3 New Leaderboards for /TOP commands: bank, lum and attr. That's right, compare pyreal or luminance count to see who hoards more, and see who the top attribute spending characters are! (Mules and Admins excluded) Enlightenment tweak - Now, in order to achieve ENL 30 (and beyond) you will need to be a Master in at least one society. This was originally 25 but was ill-communicated requirement. Expect small additional steps to be brought to you as you continue on the path, but also expect a little more fore-warning. For ENL 25 and Higher, your equipment gets removed, like for realsies this time.

Aryze — 07/31/2023 1:31 PM 7/31/23 You can now break down aetheria so it is stackable. Buy a Lugian Aetheria Hammer from the custom vendor in MP, and smash away to create Aetheria Chunks. The process after is the same, you can use desiccants on the chunks to create powder. You can still make powder directly from aetheria, this change was targeting those who have excess aetheria. The hammer is a one time purchase of 30 MMDs It looks like the statues to reset skill masteries have a "cap" for luminance the same way that some quests have a level max of 999. These are removable but it's a bit of work to do. In testing, I changed the "Magic Mastery" one to have no cap, but need some time to remove the rest. At least we are on our way, the changes are time consuming. Teth BSD is now in game with Nasty Brass Monkeys... These guys are no joke and are harder than Dark Design. I will figure out something comparable to EO west tonight or early tomorrow. In a massive area near Candeth Keep, Augmented Eviscerators have decided to make a new home spanning a rather large area.

August 2023

Aryze — 08/01/2023 10:33 AM 8/1/23 Candeth Keep Augmented Evisecrator spawns are now twice as fast as EO west, but only have mob groups of 4. This should be direct competition with EO West. Roughly 88.9S, 66.1W Increased drop rate of trinkets on Gotrok Behemoths and Enraged Stompers

TheBeef — 08/05/2023 10:20 PM Next code update: /fship landblock now only recruits characters over level 50, and non mules /xp all is now a parameter, it'll report the XP for all attributes (Thanks giwo!) /BONUS Change - There was an issue where the /bonus command was only adding up the bonus percentages and reporting them out. It was not actually multiplying the bonus - as was actually happening when XP was earned. Basically, the /bonus command has been under-reporting the XP gains for like ever because I never really took another look at it. NOTE - This doesn't actually change anything about the XP that's EARNED. That's all the same - this will just fix the /bonus command to read out more accurately (and much higher - also big thanks to giwo for spotting this!) Admin global messages will now also be re-broadcast to Discord's General chat (And Events chat) - WATCH FOR FUN, IT IS MANDATORY.

LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/09/2023 12:26 AM Tailoring Gear Vendor robes changed to chest slot and should be able to be tailored Dungeon Mei invaded by Augmented Eviscerators Mule Packs and Pack vendor packs changed to 102 slots Aryze — 08/09/2023 9:19 AM 8/9/23 Added garbage barrels to Casinos (Thanks LookinGood) Changed the quest timers for stipends and aug gem to 1 day 20 ish hours. This won't take effect until next reset

Aryze — 08/10/2023 3:33 PM 8/10/23 Added a portal to the night club in the crater. Added a bunch of garbage barrels to the night club Added Luminance Gambling NPCs to the night club Teth BSD level requirement changed to 225 Dungeon Mei minimum level changed to 180

TheBeef — 08/12/2023 1:13 PM Quick fix: Enlightenment Token (the necklace thing you buy) can no longer be traded. LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/13/2023 6:37 PM Timer for Society Ribbons drastically reduced. (pending restart) Withered Spawns increased

Aryze — 08/14/2023 11:41 PM 8/14/23 Rippers now give lum, Pending a landblock reset

Aryze — 08/15/2023 11:37 AM 8/15/23 Weapon Exchanger in MP has been replaced with "Exchanger of Stuffs" The Patriarch's Set and Dusk Set can now be given to the Exchanger of Stuffs, for a Breastplate coverage and Tasset coverage of each piece. Exchanger of Stuffs will now refund you 80 MMD notes for each 108 slot pack you give them, excluding mule packs Exchanger of Stuffs will now replace your 108 slot mule pack with a 102 slot variant, also going forward all bags given by the mule booster will be 102 slots. DO NOT hand him a bag with stuff in it!!! Reduced void resistance a bit on Nasty Brass Monkeys Teth BSD has a slightly increased spawn rate, consequently reduced the drop rate of aetheria and trinkets a bit Give your Soul Bound Staff to the Exchanger of Stuffs for a Nether version Doubled the drop rate of trinkets and aetheria from Gotrok Destroyers (Hills Citadel), it’s now slightly higher than EO west. Go get the Lugian’s you filthy animals. Augmented Eviscerators - Slightly reduced trinket and aetheria drop rate, void should do a little more damage Shadowfire Isparian Crossbow is now exchangeable for the Shadowfire Isparian Bow, and vice versa at the Exchanger of Stuffs

TheBeef — 08/15/2023 10:01 PM Next code update: 8/16/23: Cloaked admins can no longer be invited to fellows via /fship landblock and assorted commands. Bank support for 2-use legendary keys being deposited. New Augment! SPECIALIZATION POINTS! Courtesy of Giwo - if you're stuck at the 70 spec skill cap and want to eek out just that little bit more skill - grab yourself a few aug gems and be prepared to pay some luminance to boost those rookie numbers (Gem will be on your favorite giant monkey statue after the restart)

LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/16/2023 1:44 AM Tailoring Gear Vendor has new stock. Approximately 30 new items have been added that would otherwise be impossible to tailor onto your suit, including a few shields per request. Let me know if you have any requests. Added Post Patch shadow armor NPCs back next to their newer counterparts. Rare weapons updated to be better. Exchanger coming soon™ Removed the drop on death property from eternal rares

TheBeef — 08/18/2023 10:49 PM Next code update (tbd): Remove 2 potentially troublesome admin commands that sometimes cause some pretty huge server lag spikes but are helpful for debugging

LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/20/2023 2:17 AM Added Tamara du Cinghalle to Greenspire Aryze — 08/20/2023 1:41 PM 8/20/23 Added Major Mana Stones and Treated Healing Kits to Nasty Brass Monkey loot Increased density in Dark Design TheBeef — 08/22/2023 9:07 PM Code update: Actually 8/24: Luminance Spend requirement per ENL above 50. The formula will be ENL times 100million luminance. proper formatting for numbers - like a real professional operation. Bug fix for transfers of LUM over 2 billion is now possible

Aryze — 08/22/2023 9:25 PM 8/22/23 Admittance on my part. Not long ago I made a remote change and set the augmented eviscerator drop rate on trinkets way, way, way too high. This will teach me to do remote changes, so on this note, the drop rate has been reduced to where it should have been to begin with. You will see a drastic reduction in trinkets from augmented eviscerators. I apologize for the mistake and the nerf. This one is on me @everyone 8/22/23 Removed enlightened coins from gambling NPC Reduced the value of Black Market Gems of Dispelling from 250k to 25k Nasty Brass Monkeys have changed to a new format I'm using for Mobs (Thanks LookingGoodinTheBuff). This will make future mobs much easier to make. Not much changed except missile D dropped a bunch.

Aryze — 08/23/2023 12:06 PM 8/23/23 Put a small test area of new mobs in Hebian-To Beach, just north of the town. It's a very difficult area and they hit hard. Need testing LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/23/2023 7:25 PM Added the assistants that sell shadow armor dye next to their master armorer for the neo shadow armor Society Armor Writ turn in timer significantly reduced (Pending restart as of 8/23/23 9:43 PST)

LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/26/2023 10:55 PM Fixed Dungeon Mei respawn LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/27/2023 3:27 AM Added around 20 new items to the Tailor Vendor SV, Neftet, GY, and GK invasion spawns increased

Aryze — 08/28/2023 10:02 AM 8/28-23 Removed gauntlet gems of knowledge from gambling and replaced with writs. I never anticipated a 120x multiplier when I put those in Removed all gems of knowledge form the colosseum vendor

TheBeef — 08/28/2023 8:35 PM 8/28: Code fix: Mudmouth specifically no longer crashes servers. That monkey bastard.

TheBeef — 08/29/2023 12:28 AM (8/31/23): Squelch filters out fship invites. Take control of your fellow, if you don't like someone, squelch them and they won't get an invite. Grant XP and Luminance from an Admin will now notify the recipient!

Bank transfers now check to make sure the character you're sending to isn't deleted or pending deletion. Hopefully prevent some black-holes. (All above thanks to Giwo!)

LookinGoodintheBuff — 08/29/2023 9:53 PM

Added health kits and mana stones to the Nasty Brass Monkeys

Extremely overpriced vendor added to MP who sells QoL rares for coins

Adjusted Mosswart Assailant's stats and drop rates

Added Frozen Tomb portal to Abandoned Mines to help new players get through the increased FV spawns when lum flagging

September 2023

giwo — 09/02/2023 4:43 PM 9/6/23 Server will try to handle /t "xp" messages if the recipient is in an Open fellowship and has not squelched the sender. If successful, the sender will be added to the fellowship automatically, otherwise the "xp" message will be sent to the recipient as usual. Fixed a bug that caused an extra durable key to be generated when withdrawing legendary keys from the bank Added a cap to the 15% of level XP from Dynamic Quests (but the reward still increases with your /bonus) Removed Rares from the loot pool for Dynamic Quests Reduced the Dynamic Quest timer from 1 Day to 20 Hours

Aryze — 09/03/2023 5:05 PM 9/3/23 Added a Dark Design portal to the bottom of Abandoned Mines

LookinGoodintheBuff — 09/04/2023 4:53 AM Added Encapsulated Spirits to Nasty Brass Monkey loot

LookinGoodintheBuff — 09/05/2023 3:50 PM Added silver/gold/pyreal peas to Nasty Brass Monkey Changed Mosswart Assailant Treasure type to match Brass Monkeys and added all the extra trophy drops from Brass Monkeys to the Mosswarts Added Legendary 2h to Green Society Band. Hand your old band to Behold Mii next to the gauntlet vendor for the new version Reduced Deimos timer to 44 hours, to match Bellas/stipend timers (Pending restart) New NPC added to MP that will exchange society ribbons

Aryze — 09/06/2023 1:55 PM 9/6/23 Removed level proportional rewards from:

 Sir Learth (Frozen Valley)
 Promotions Officers for all 3 societies

Thimrin Woodsetter in MP now sells "Greatest Stamina Kits" for 50k pyreals a piece Summercrown will now take Luminance

LookinGoodintheBuff — 09/07/2023 12:21 AM Forbidden Crypts outside Al-Jalima has been updated, similar difficulty to DD. Missile D recommended.

Aryze — 09/07/2023 10:29 PM 9/7/23 Desert Citadel now has a minimum level of 500 Desert Citadel is now infested with Feral Lugians. Still in beta mode, very hard dungeon. Reduced armor of Nasty Brass Monkeys and Mosswart Assailants Lugian Commander's and Lieutenant's Insignias now are 1 burden (Requires a landblock or server reset)

Aryze — 09/10/2023 2:57 PM 9/10/23 Removed the Writ of Apology Vendor, Writs of Apology, and ability of the Royal Guard to take them Completely removed Experience Certificates from the server

LookinGoodintheBuff — 09/14/2023 12:01 AM Rare Jewelry has been upgraded, exchanger in MP for all your old jewelry. (Big thanks to Tengu) Gaerlan upper and lower quest rewards should be corrected (Thanks to Tengu again) Colo Master Robe added to tailoring vendor

Aryze — 09/23/2023 5:10 PM 9/23/23 Ridge Citadel has been updated... The hardest rendition of the citadel yet, including Lugians and... my favoure.. Mosswarts Added Wrapped Bundles of Raider Lightning Arrowheads to Thrimrin Woodsetter

giwo— 09/24/2023 11:23 AM 9/25/23 Prevent invalid Spells on Monsters from crashing the server (as happened during the event last night) Players who die in the Marketplace will no longer drop items on death Fixed a bug that could cause your Lum Balance to be negative

giwo — 09/25/2023 9:17 AM 9/25/23 (Courtesy of Tengu) A new NPC, Tous deLoc, devoted to fighting the rogue viamontian army has appeared in Sanamar. Group HIGHLY recommended.

LookinGoodintheBuff — 09/30/2023 2:05 AM Updated Higashiyama to take 100 alternate currencies instead of 10. Updated alternate currencies to stack to 1000 Reduced weight for chorizite potions to 1 Added Drudge Predators to the Underground Forest dungeon

October 2023

giwo — 09/30/2023 11:25 PM 10/5/23 Don't send surpassed Item spells to the client since it gets confused

Aryze — 10/05/2023 1:58 PM 10/5/23 Increased the spawn rate in dark design

LookinGoodintheBuff — 10/07/2023 4:40 PM New Vendor in MP - Chunkee Monkee in SE corner of vendor room on the second floor, He trades in Weakly Enlightend coins and sells various goods to help advance your character. (Thanks to Tengu)

The following quests have had their rewards updated to include a chance at up to 5 Enlightend Coins - Aerbax's Citadel, Bloodstone Investigation, Deewain's Dark Cavern, Hoshino Fortress Infiltration, Hoshino Must Die, Rynthid Assessment, Rynthid Foothold, Rynthid Tentacle Weapons, Saving Asheron, Slave Master (Thanks to Tengu)

November 2023

-=OnlyMemes=- — 11/22/2023 1:39 PM Atamarr Tasks should be working now. Let me know if anyone runs into any issues while completing a task and ill see if anything else needs to be done for it.

George Santos — 11/22/2023 2:48 PM Scholars have appeared throughout Dereth! Master Arthon in Holtburg has put out a call for all adventurers to aid him and his collegues. Group Recommended.

-=OnlyMemes=- — 11/23/2023 1:11 AM Crafter quest npc in uziz fixed for the spiced apple pie turn in

-=OnlyMemes=- — 11/25/2023 12:23 AM Tumerok Vanguard quest has been fixed, Northern and Southern Leaders now drop the correct items.

Dooks — 11/28/2023 9:40 PM Things are starting to get chilly! Fall decorations out, winter ones have moved in! - Winter events should all be active as well.

TheBeef — 11/29/2023 10:13 PM Next Code Update & Restart: VARIATION DUNGEONS! It's actually performing really well on TEST now. See: ⁠patch-notes⁠

Capability to have Min and Max property checks on Portals. Want to be required to have 12 critter augs before entering? Can do! Faster Login queue! Less wait time at the blue update bubble, especially during login stress Admins can now /setattrrank on nerds.

/attr has a limit of 10 ranks per command. This otherwise caused some really really weird issues where inherent attrs could get set to negative numbers in weird situations. If you're earning more xp than you can type /attr for, touch grass pls. Various weenie emote crash fixes that have just built up over time. Admins can use /export-discord weenieID to drop an export to the discord channel Marketplace is now a No Drop landblock. redrum? SNUCK IT IN! Enlightenment to discord!

Most importantly, this will finally allow us to make smaller, more rapid fire changes again. Because for the love of all things holy the re-architecting of the physics engine was just way more than I could chew on alone. I appreciate the hell out of Giwo for code reviews and the ultimate sniper fix, and the rest of the Admin team for keeping everything going while i've been neck deep in a rabbit hole

December 2023

TheBeef — 12/02/2023 10:17 PM 12/2/23: Fixed a crash with missing visual items internal to the physics engine Fixed a bug where deleting characters sometimes causes an infinite login attempt Fixed a bug where deleting a character, then restoring it, then trying to play it could cause a server crash 12/3/23: Another bug that appeared while multi-threading visible cells

-=OnlyMemes=- — 12/08/2023 7:28 PM 12/8 Ridge Cit mobs have had their lum and drops altered

TheBeef — 12/12/2023 9:41 PM 12/14: OnlyMemes new Banking stuff! Peas to Pyreals, and ENL Coin bank! Fix for deleted toons to you know, actually delete.

TheBeef — 12/16/2023 10:34 AM Next restart: Copy pasta glitch withdrawing enl coins saying legendary keys. Fixed a rare bug with overlapping spells sometimes causing character saves to fail. Rare case where unloading landblocks cause performance hits. Fixed an issue with certain spawning generators in copied dungeon variations throwing an error (Yes, respawns should be a thing, who knew)

-=OnlyMemes=- — 12/19/2023 9:59 PM 12/19: Ancient Falatacot Trinkets now have a use. Use Blue Aetheria Powder on Ancient Falatacot Trinket You use the aetheria powder on the token and enlighten it into a weakend coin! TheBeef — 12/26/2023 8:56 PM Previous patch, 12/25: Fixed an obscure cause of crashes Changed an inventory check from the bank when pulling ENL coins in a stack. You should now be able to /b w e on large stacks


January 2024

TheBeef Marketplace monkey now charges 1/2 of an enl coin to sell materials that make half an enl coin.

Small chance crash bug on blanked out physics engine. Spotted on test, not sure if it's possible on live but fixing anyway. 2 small reported oddities with bank and bank transfer.

Beef made a dungeon. It's very mitey.

Next patch restart (1/15): Item Aug Rebalance! Yay? Ability for Admins to manage content through Discord channels- imports and exports! 2 bank fixes. If you know, you know. One of these is the "minimum 1 item in your bank" bug.

Midorinome — 01/16/2024 10:16 PM Martine's cousin, Marty the Helper, has started to use his magics for the new heros of Dereth. Marty the helper's first stop is MP. Follow him along as he gives a tour of the custom shopping area and sharing knowledge with all who will listen... once. One time Tutorial quest in MP will reward 2 Quest stamps, 3 weakly enlightened coins, and 1 enlightend coin.

TheBeef — 01/17/2024 11:38 PM 1/19/24: Fix for the Great Dookie Crash of 2024. Miscellaneous mob abilities that will definitely serve to both troll and entertain. Code support for 10 Step Aug Gems (10 Augs at once!)

Midorinome — 01/19/2024 7:12 PM New Dungeon: Dookie Hideout 34N, 56.5E right outside of Arwic High level Content Hot Drop

Midorinome — 01/20/2024 6:28 PM NEW DUNGEON: Caerbannog 1.9N, 41.5 E Next to Larry the Rabbit Master 200 Creature Aug Requirement This is meant for a group, this might take strategy Rewards: 3 mins of unlimited opens of new Big Legendary Chest Rabbit Slayer Gem

TheBeef — 01/20/2024 9:00 PM 1/20/24: New Vitae formula: Vitae Percentage earned is Level divided by 5. Level 100 = 20% vitae penalty, 200 = 40%, etc, up to max of 99% at 500. Amount of XP per penalty increases by 2% per Enlightenment level

-=OnlyMemes=- — 01/21/2024 12:01 AM 1/20/24 10x Aug gems added to Ancient Statue of unknown origin in Arwic!

Midorinome — 01/22/2024 9:43 PM Sunbaked Dookie Nibblers have finished baking and have shrank into nice hard nuggets. They have grown in strength and will hurt more, and more have shown up since there is more room!

TheBeef — 01/22/2024 10:31 PM 1/22/24: Mites in the Mite Invasion dungeon have gotten MAD BUSY and now there are significantly more mites. I implied they banged

  • Bunnies now Despawn (Not corpses) upon Boss Death, leaving more time for looting between rounds

TheBeef — 01/23/2024 11:05 PM 1/24/24 Removed augment effects from both Fellowship Buffs and from Cloaked in Skill effects. Add Environment Change effect emote action (for NPCs and generators)

-=OnlyMemes=- — 01/27/2024 9:28 PM 1/27/24

New Quest, Bloodstone Excavation released. This Quest is ment for a coordinated group. Take your time and move as a group! Feel free to leave feedback in ⁠feedback channel if you have done the quest and either enjoyed it or have suggestions for it! Thanks, and hope you all enjoy!

Dimitri's onyx eyes glowed with anticipation as he addressed Admiral Advan. "Remember, the Bloodstone Shards are our key to unlocking ultimate power. Bring me copious amounts, and you shall be rewarded." The virindi's voice hummed with sinister intent. The pre-dawn sky hung heavy and gray over the churning sea as the Stone Maiden, reeking of brine and must, sailed towards the indistinct silhouette of an island. I stood on the deck, observing Old Greg, the ship captain, bark orders at the crew with his raspy voice. "Secure the rigging, ya scurvy dogs! We be needin' all hands on deck for this one!" As the ship sailed through the treacherous storm, Chief Engineer Sanjo's laughter resonated through the creaking hull. "The elements fear us, for we command the power of death itself!"

   Old Greg's laugh echoed across the deck like the creaking of ancient timber. "Have no fear, crew! We be makin' port soon enough. Hebian-to's where we be headin', and those Bloodstone crystals be callin' our name!"
   The ship groaned in protest as the crew scrambled, their bones clattering in urgency. The wind hummed through the rigging, carrying the promise of untold dangers that awaited us on the sandy beaches of Hebian-to.

As the Stone Maiden finally reached Hebian-to, the sun broke through the heavy clouds, casting a golden glow over the exotic island. The crew breathed a collective sigh of relief as they prepared to disembark and begin their mission. Unbeknownst to them, I slipped away from the ship, my eyes scanning the busy town for potential allies. I needed the help of brave adventurers to gather crucial information — knowledge that would be instrumental in reporting back to Asheron.

February 2024

TheBeef — 02/03/2024 3:08 PM Next server update: A bunch of merges from the main ACE fork. DAT Updates! If we choose to go here and update content through the DAT files, we now support the same main ACE branch updates for the content files. FFA Corpse access after first open - for Player corpses. A series of stability improvements, likely contributors to lag spikes and a few other cases. Also, some improvements to resliency from the main ACE repo -=OnlyMemes=- — 02/04/2024 11:54 PM 2/4/24

Enlightenment Tokens can now be purchased in stacks TheBeef — 02/09/2024 11:16 PM Server code 2/10: Stability patch Fix for infinite recursive emote set causing hard crash

TheBeef — 02/15/2024 11:58 AM Server code 2/15: lagalicious! Update to how visible objects are culled on the physics engine when large amounts of visible objects are spawned. This was more evident in dense mob situations when people portal in and out of high spawn dungeons like Ridge and Swamp citadel. There was code that would remove known object memory on a per player times per mob basis which lead to pretty extraordinary high processing spikes. That would train wreck dungeon thread processing in certain places. This should be reduced now. Updates to more performant landblock processing, again thanks to Giwo for bailing my ass out. Reduced the server impact from admin instance creation to be less laggy. The default in ACE was to generate an entire landblock SQL file and reimport it, causing thrash. The intent was to preserve the change in a file outside the DB but we don't.l manage content via files here.

TheBeef — 02/18/2024 1:30 PM Server code update 2/18: yep, more lag. Major updates to Dynamic GUID allocation. While adding logging and watching server thrash, I noticed that recycled guids count is in the multiple millions. Guids get assigned when objects spawn or corpses are created. If we run out of guids it's catastrophic. I'm thinking the lag is a symptom of getting close to that point. With multiple high spawn instances we are going through about 20k per minute, but this should recycle gracefully.

March 2024

TheBeef — 03/02/2024 11:29 PM Server code update: 3/2: Added global broadcast emotes to also send to Discord general chat Added logging in variations, world object counts to landblock performance commands (This is a safe way for me to get more information capture when lag spikes happen) Added more optimizations to Admin /createinst commands to reduce database manhandling default to ACE. Fixed a minor messaging issue with Lum transfers looking like they worked but really didn't Database optimizations for how QB is handled - it won't thrash the database on every quest stamp, but flag additions (new QB stamps) will still be saved immediately. Otherwise, QB flag checks were in the top 3 of frequent DB hits

TheBeef — 03/05/2024 9:00 PM Server shenanigans: 3/5 Update the global session timeout from 90 seconds to 45 seconds. Half the time to get back in after crash. Because crashes never happen, clearly. Support for Raffle! (Thanks Tin!) Threadstats admin command to hunt down latent multithreaded cases while live. Minor performance boost under the hood. Probably not a sledgehammer but damn anything helps lately

TheBeef — 03/08/2024 11:04 PM Server update 3/13: Fix for the crash from the night of 3/8. Whoopsie daisie Changed the "Bank All" to exclude Enlightened Coins, because people were losing them and panicking. Panic bad. Raffle can now Raffle without having to be Beef. No meat raffle. Or do? Either way, meat raffle is no longer mandatory, boy howdy.

TheBeef — 03/19/2024 9:08 PM Server update 3/19: Update a cache setting for network packets to be more forgiving about clients being out of range. Should prevent the server from having to re-send the entire game state to the player

TheBeef — 03/22/2024 11:12 PM Next server update: Fix for the crash this morning, some kind of overlapping key in a generatorprofile. Fix for the other crash that happened the other day. Admin nicety: /getnextweenieidinrange for content creators Quests can now export and import through Discord content updates! Fixed the bloody ordinals for over 100 enls. TOUCH GRASS. Item Augmented magic spells will now only apply the augmented value to yourself if they are beneficial.

April 2024

TheBeef — 04/10/2024 9:06 PM Next update: Fix to Item Augs applying Impens and Banes.

TheBeef — 04/18/2024 9:17 PM After restart: House hook limits are being removed. Now you can fill up your hooks all over and everywhere!

TheBeef — 04/21/2024 9:20 PM Next server update: Fix for item other augments stacking incorrectly. Now, stacking will take priority for the augments that actually apply, not whatever aug level the caster has. Some performance tweaks and whatever I barely sleep anymore and the clowns are closing in

May 2024

TheBeef — 05/04/2024 12:20 PM Next server update tonight. Fix for the thing. If you know, you know TheBeef — 05/10/2024 11:49 PM Next server update 5/15: Updated dependencies like entity framework and MySQL to improve performance for database work. Configure logging to lower and remove some spam, which is causing some small amount of disk and memory lag (Pushed with 5/11 restart) Various performance updates to physics code. I hate the physics code, and it also hates me Fixed a bug that prevented war and void augments (on monsters) from calculating into damage correctly

TheBeef — 05/19/2024 9:48 AM Next server update: Performance upgrades for character and player saves. Patch to fix broken weenie. Yes, that is all the context on this issue I choose to provide.

Midorinome — 05/22/2024 9:21 AM The forests outside of Yanshi appeared to have calmed and the skeletons that plagued it seem to have hidden.... for now

TheBeef — 05/23/2024 8:55 PM Next server update: Fix for crash from last night's issue Fix for fellowships using base landblocks for fellowship XP checks. They are now variation aware.

Ribby — 05/27/2024 6:01 PM https://leaftidewiki.com/Custom_Quests_and_Dungeons/Areas_on_Infinite_Leaftide#Sacrificial_Request New quest released located near the Wicked Wares Shop: Sacrificial Request Areas on Infinite Leaftide

Visu — 05/28/2024 8:56 PM Nibblers entry requirements have been changed.

Neydisa dungeon is now 1-49 enl. Arwic dungeon is now 50+ enl. Midorinome — 05/31/2024 11:51 AM Yanshi Skeletons have unearthed themselves again from under the Yanshi Forest by Ulgrim the Desiccated. Bring your Blades!! It seems the Skeletons have formed a strange mold that can only be overcome by MELEE attacks. All other attacks the moss seems to be preventing from landing.

Drops are more thematic for skeletons, you will see many empty skeletons, but rest assured the drop rates for the Trinkets and Quest Skulls remain the same. There may be a big daddy at the bottom if you can find him. No Portal restrictions.

June 2024

Midorinome — 06/03/2024 12:50 PM NEW DUNGEON: Mysterious Siraluun Nest 190 lvl req Recommended Augs: 50 critter, 25 item, 20 life

New turn in Item: Dire Siraluun Egg Turn into Ulgrim the egg collector outside the surface portal or Ulgrim the OmniCollector in Wicked Wares. (This will be with testing the new dungeon token system, no tier loot on mobs to help loot speed and to mind lag)

Midorinome — 06/03/2024 10:36 PM DUNGEON UPDATE: Nibbler Hideout 100 lvl req 50 Enlightenment Lvl req Recommended High Augs

XP/Lum ONLY Endless Dungeon

Ribby — 06/07/2024 2:10 AM NEW MAP BOSS: Mountain Marge Spotted around Linvak Tukal Mountain Range Be wary, she is dangerous She drops 4 nice weapons, and she will need to be killed multiple times to attain them all Happy Hunting!

Dooks — 06/07/2024 12:28 PM NEW MAP BOSS: Kain the Maggot King. - Spotted outside Graveyard during the day with some of his goons protecting him. Not an easy fight at all but very rewarding if you're into that void sort of thing...

Midorinome — 06/07/2024 1:03 PM DUNGEON UPDATE: NEW LOOT DROP SYSTEM: AUTO LOOT Loot in this dungeon will automatically be given to you instead of looting any corpses. Please be mindful of your inventory.

The Siraluuns did not like their previous Nest disturbed, the Mommas have moved their offspring into a larger Lair and now reside at the bottom. Chance Drops now in Dungeon Siraleen Egg Ancient E Trinket Any color Aetheria


Endless XP/Lum Dungeon No Loot

lvl 100 req 10 Enlightenment levels Req

Recommended Aug: 50 Creature 30 Item 20 Life NEW DUNGEON Asheron's Idol

Endless XP/Lum Dungeon No Loot

lvl 100 req 25 Enlightenment levels Req

Recommended Aug: 450 Creature 150 Item 75Life

TheBeef — 06/07/2024 2:38 PM With server restart tonight: Support for T9 Loot Chopping down logging messages so I can find what's actually broken


Ribby — 06/07/2024 4:43 PM COW LEVEL: A curious stranger has appeared in Arwic with some hints to possible Cow Level sightings/locations

-=OnlyMemes=- — 06/07/2024 11:15 PM Mythical chests have appeared near Wicked Wares! Mythical Keys can currently be rewarded at events via the Events R Us vendor, as well as additional rewards for the custom quests (Lost Relics, 3 Generals, Bloodstone Excavation, Flat Auberean, and Sacraficial Ritual) Onyx Salvage has been molded into a new Nether Rend salvage! (Foolproof for Infinite Leaftide Customs to come) Mythical Key banking : /b d mk to deposit, /b t mk # "Name" to transfer, and /b w mk # to withdraw Link to T9 information: https://leaftidewiki.com/Custom_Tier_9_Loot_on_Infinite_Leaftide Custom Tier 9 Loot on Infinite Leaftide

Visu— 06/10/2024 12:23 AM Fair few changes in the dungeon space, and some to come. I apologise to everyone who woke up at an LS.

The team has been busy scaling dungeons appropriately to ensure progression is both linear and future-proof. Given the success of the drop-in-pack loot system, we're looking to continue this theme. The lack of downtime means luminance has been scaled downwards accordingly. All lower tier dungeons will keep corpses for t8 loot purposes.

Current drop in pack currency dungeons: Sirulaan Sleech Sanctum (475+ item) Breakfast So Deadly (750+ item)

Similarly, the lum only dungeons have been rescaled IOT be tougher relative to their lum level. The Idol dungeon will now have the Arwic requirements (1850m/d 250% item ish) and new Arwic aug reqs live somewhere between there and the reedsharks. Neydisa nibblers will be turned off for renovations for a future dungeon sometime soon.

Lum Only: Asherons Idol (25+ enl) Arwic Nibblers (50+ enl) Cavern of Terror (75+ enl)

Super open to feedback, whether it's drop rates/spawn density/lag/get f*kd Visu. Cheers.

Dooks — 06/10/2024 8:55 PM NEW MAP BOSS: Aun Abomination Spotted around Timaru Plateau While he seems happy playing his Bongo and Dancing, he is quite the jerk.... Likely on Steroids too. He drops the Bongo that make all others look like a play toy. Happy Hunting! 🙂

Dooks — 06/10/2024 10:46 PM NEW "Noob" MAP BOSS: Skull Crusher Spotted around Holtburg, Shoushi and Yaraq This fella listened to his mother and drank his milk, however fell short of joining a rogue drudge biker gang so is now taking it out on townsfolk. He drops an excellent starter war wand, but even if not a mage it casts Incantation of heal self 7 to keep you in the game and away from that lifestone. Happy Hunting! 🙂

Visu — 06/11/2024 8:37 PM Going forward, we'll be utilizing the landscape a bit more! Following portals have been removed from Subway and relocated outside. Idols ~ Caul Siraluuns - Marescent Plateau Pancakes - VoD Sleeches - Dark Isle

-=OnlyMemes=- — 06/12/2024 10:38 PM Foolproof Onyx added to Infinite Leaftide Customs npc in marketplace Mythical Chests quality and quantity increased some

Visu — 06/17/2024 10:44 PM Bankers within society strongholds are now accepting stacks of commendation ribbons in exchange for enlightened coins.

Midorinome — 06/20/2024 4:34 PM Siraluun Lair Droprate adjusted for loot speed

Midorinome — 06/20/2024 9:40 PM Siraluun Lair DropRate chances Adjusted, no longer drops trinkets, or Aetheria, only Eggs that can be redeemed for E coins (Ulgrim loves hundos)

Visu — 06/23/2024 11:27 PM Upgraded Valley of Death is live!

The quest line begins at a new NPC nearby Wicked Wares. Loot table for mobs is tier 9. All mobs are magic resistant, so this is a melee/missile zone. A new tier 9 Valley of Death encampment can be found with new quests, alt currency & a vendor!

2000 augs+ is advised, but not necessary for group hunting.

Impact to retail content: Temple of Harvest & Mukkir Infested Black Spear Temple portals now live in sub to avoid having to run through new VoD. Mid Direlands portal now lives off to the left in Subway. Blood Vine collection rewards have been adjusted to reflect new difficulty. NPC remains in same location. All 4 Virindi Quidox/Paradox kill tasks rewards have been upgraded. The Candeth wand (Scepter of the Portal Currents) has also been upgraded. NPCs have been moved to the new VoD encampment. The K'nath An'dras kill task rewards have been upgraded. NPC has been moved to the VoD encampment. Shadow Statues quest has been updated. NPC remains unchanged.

Feedback most welcome.

TheBeef — 06/25/2024 11:56 PM Next server update: Performance tuning, reducing some unecessary saves that were happening, reducing some not needed DB calls

Midorinome — 06/27/2024 12:34 PM New Dungeon: Moonscarred Rynthid Caves Outside Al-Jalima

Endless Xp/Lum Dungeon No Loot

100 Enlightenment Level Req

Reccomended Augs: 2000 Creature 1000 Item

Midorinome — 06/27/2024 10:33 PM New Dungeon: Nauseous Olthoi Nest Outside Ayan Baqur @ 60.1S, 89.4W

New Death Loot System Min level 475 Top Level is Equivalent to Mites aug reqs apply Lower Level is Equivalent to Ridge aug reqs apply

Mobs have a chance to drop single use Legendary Keys and tokens that can be turned into the nearby Ulgrim the Smelly for MMDs and Durable Legendary Keys.

Midorinome — 06/28/2024 12:58 AM NEW DUNGEON: Obvious Penguin Lair South of Redspire 40.0N, 83.1W

AUTO LOOT Copy of Siraluun Lair Same Drops as Siraluun Lair TheBeef — 06/29/2024 10:16 PM Server update 6/29: Removed "GetPossessedBiotasInParallel" from being a queued database call, and instead happen entirely on the background working threads. May god have mercy on my soul Ribby — 06/29/2024 11:40 PM New quest: Vihaya in the Hidden Cavern Starts with Yula Hanzu in VoD Encampment (write-up on wiki incoming)

New Slayer gems: Drudge and Banderling Quests for those located in Hidden Cavern(wiki posted)

July 2024

Visu — 07/03/2024 10:29 PM Few recent changes:

100+ enl dungeon has reopened outside Al-Jalima. Higher melee d requirement than previous. Ancient Falatacot Trinkets now drop on Augmented Swarm Demons and Augmented Eviscerators All 4 lum dungeons (Idols/Nibblers/Reedsharks/Rynthid) are high lum, low spawn. Expect this to be rolled out to coin dungeons over the next week. Visu — 07/07/2024 10:51 PM Latest changes:

Renovated auto loot coin dungeon! Rocky Crag ~ located near Kara. Item aug req: 1025 & level 850 to enter. Life augs encouraged. Pancakes level req changed to 800, up from 700. Dungeon Mei / WJ BSD / Teth BSD / Mites / Ridge Citadel all updated to streamlined generators. If you see a group of mobs, plant yourself in the middle of them. You won't find somewhere better. Removed Swamp Citadel, Khayyaban Mites & Nasty BSD (clones). There will be a lot more viable spots in Ridge / Grotto / Teth to make up for it. Still accessible if you're tied to them but the portals are now gone. Shuffled some portals around bottom of Sub. Hopefully makes more sense.

Visu — 07/08/2024 9:44 PM VoD Updates:

Sceptre of Portal Currents can be handed back in to Pagrok the Stone Collector for a luminance reward. One particular VoD mob has a low chance of dropping a tradeable Golem Slayer gem. Knath Xera has finally been updated. Some mobs have had spell casting changes. VoD bosses spawn probability lowered.


Teth BSD spawn increased. Penguin drop rate increased.

-=OnlyMemes=- — 07/13/2024 12:37 AM New Kill task npc added to VOD encampment!

-=OnlyMemes=- — 07/14/2024 9:38 AM Chow Yung Phat has arrived in marketplace.

Chow Yung Phat tells you, "I deal in Keys." Chow Yung Phat tells you, "I will trade you 1 Mythical key for 100 Legendary keys. Simply tell me 100" Chow Yung Phat tells you, "I will trade you 5 Mythical key for 500 Legendary keys. Simply tell me 500" Chow Yung Phat tells you, "I will trade you 10 Mythical key for 1000 Legendary keys. Simply tell me 1000"

Ribby — 07/17/2024 1:47 PM Both the Drudge and Banderling Hollow Slayer gems are now no longer attuned so they can be given/traded/etc

Visu — 07/19/2024 1:39 PM Olthoi Infused Shadow Armor: An unexpected NPC has mysteriously arrived at the VoD encampment claiming they're able to create a powerful new armor set. Fallen Weapons: Rare upgradeable weapons can now be found via new trophies on the corpses of Fallen VoD creatures. T9 chests: The chests in VoD have now been updated to hold the highest tier T9 loot. Keys available from the Valley Vendor (post server restart). Pierce Rending added to the Sceptre of Portal Currents (Virindi KT reward) Colo completions will now reward enlightened coins. Resistances & HP of Moonscarred Rynthid have been adjusted.

TheBeef — 07/19/2024 1:58 PM With server restart: Void Dots will now cap their damage rating increase, using a server property. This is ultimately a damage nerf to the additional damage rating that the dots were adding. Starting out, this will be capped at 50%. The issue is that the damage made bosses pretty trivial, and void basically was just a dot support skill for events. This should keep admins from having to create face melting content to contend with this specific damage case. NPCs can now teleport players into variation destinations. Admin nicety - ability to clear loot profile caches without a server restart. Kinda handy now that we don't restart 3 times in 24 hours... A NEAT THING OR TWO. TO BE ANNOUNCED AT A LATER TIME.

Midorinome — 07/22/2024 5:21 PM UPDATED DUNGEON: Badass Bone Hole Outside of Yanshi !Melee Only has been removed! Meant to be a Weakly Coin Mirror to Mites

AUTO LOOT Aug Req Same as Mites Ulgrim the Dessicated and the OmniCollector will take 100 Badass Skulls and reward: 200 MMDS 200 Weakly Coins

Midorinome — 07/23/2024 10:23 PM UPDATED DUNGEON: Nauseous Olthoi Nest Outside Ayan Baqur @ 60.1S, 89.4W

Ulgrim the Smelly is a stingy bastard no longer! For 100 Shells he will reward: 350 MMDS 5 Completed Mythical Keys

Inside the Olthoi seem to be coughing up durable 10 use keys instead of single use! They also seem to be grouping in the new style.

DaleGribble — 07/24/2024 11:26 AM Blessed Moars drop rates have been increased for Society tasks. The normal moars were not adjusted.

Aryze/Drakkon — 07/25/2024 2:36 AM My first changes in… a long time

"Slimy Badass Bones" have gained a great deal of intellect, and no longer run into walls on a regular basis... as much. Still need to monitor the range

Their aggro range has been reduced from 20 to 7 Ancient Tender Monkey now sells Enlightened Coins in stacks.

Ribby — 07/25/2024 12:52 PM New shield up in VoD Vendor. Upgradable via stamps also sold at vendor!

Ribby — 07/25/2024 4:43 PM Vial of Armor Rend for Fallen Weapons now in shop

Visu — 07/28/2024 9:46 AM Update to the 100+ enl Moonscarred dungeon ~ new layout with a special mob in the corridors. Portal in the same place nearby Al Jalima

TheBeef— 07/28/2024 8:49 PM With tonight's server restart: Everything that was here, but actually really going live now: ⁠patch-notes⁠ New requirements for very high level ENLs

Visu — 07/29/2024 12:16 AM To clarify the new requirements for enlightening past 150:

You must have completed all 50 levels of Paragon. Enlightenment Medallions will replace tokens. They're crafted with a trophy (dropped in VoD for now), yellow aetheria powder and an enlightenment token. Lum cost modifier has increased from enl level*100m to 2b. This means your 151 enl will cost 302 billion luminance.

Visu — 07/29/2024 1:26 AM The following quests have had their rewards updated to include a mixture of enlightened tokens/coins: Clutch of Kings Aerbax's Defeat Summoning T'thuun Uber Lady Aerfelle

Throughout this week, further quests will be amended. Reach out if any problems with turn ins!

Visu — 07/29/2024 10:47 PM The following quest rewards have now been updated: Defeating Hoshino Kei Hoshino Fortress Infilitration Bloodstone Investigation Saving Asheron

Visu — 07/31/2024 10:34 PM The following quest rewards have now been updated: Crystalline Adventurer Slave Master Defeating the Curator of Torment Deewain's Dark Cavern

August 2024

DaleGribble — 08/02/2024 12:56 PM Unretired quest for this week is 6 of the weapons from the Bronze Weapons quest, hints are below:

"This first weapon is good for throwing things. My friend, Violet, might really like this one. I wonder if I can meet Luke Skywalker, Admiral Ackbar or Wedge Antilles hidden in here along with this rag tag crew.

"This second weapon looks like it belongs to Paul Bunyon. There's an exploration marker nearby along with some spiney green plants that might cast 1,000 needles. Am I in the Corel desert?"

"This third weapon looks like it belonged to someone fancy. This dude is weird. I wonder if this guy claiming to be a "master" has Peter, Thumper, Roger or Bugs hidden around here. I'd like their autographs."

"This fourth weapon, who knew their were bronze Virindi that dropped this. This guy guarding it seems pretty shifty. He doesn't seem so reformed to me. Borelean Strathelar better be careful."

"The fifth weapon is finally something I can use as a mediocre marksman. Found it by an apple tree. So this apple tree is where Bonecrunch used to live? Poor guy, Aerbax did a number on him."

"The sixth weapon is blunt like these folks by its love. This couple is a bit like Romeo and Juliet. Ran away from home to hide around the Mountain shortcut. A healer and a peddler."

Ribby — 08/02/2024 2:27 PM An NPC has been added to the WW shop upstairs that will exchange custom items that have been altered for their new versions. She will give you a list of those items that have been adjusted IE: Blessing of Suvi and Tusker Destroyer.

Ribby — 08/02/2024 3:04 PM New vendor in VoD that will sell Monougat Currency for VoD Trophies

DaleGribble — 08/02/2024 5:28 PM New vendor in Yanshi. Currently, he only carries all of the Harbinger trophies. Keep an eye on his inventory as unique items and spell scrolls will be added soon. His wares are not cheap but will help with those hard to find trophies.

DaleGribble — 08/02/2024 7:47 PM Impious staff QB is fixed for all 4 stamps now. Olthoi Weapons Quest QB is fixed as well. For those who QB and track with detail using the spreadsheet, start compiling lists for me and I'll get stamps added where I can to things missing. I can't promise all of the stamps will function. This will be an ongoing process and not a super fast process as it takes time not to break things. A couple of us are working on this but I can be the receiver of information.

TheBeef — 08/02/2024 9:26 PM Next server update: Duration augments now apply to Void Dots! Percentage is a server property and will likely be tuned a bit. Starting it at 10% time boost per aug. Server-side support for VP Hardcore Mode! You get 5% (configurable) to your overall earnings of Lum and XP, but when you die, you can get up to 90% vitae penalty for one death, depending on level. 1 point per 5 levels (I worded this poorly before). While you have VP and Hardcore flagged, you don't earn your /bonus from QB or ENLs while earning Lum, until you wear off your VP. You will also not gain XP from Fellowships (you have to burn it off yourself!) -This feature will be in the game code, but something (event, item, shrine or quest) will be added in game to turn it on and off.

Visu — 08/03/2024 11:35 AM Bosses on Lost Relics have had their HP adjusted given the void changes. Furthermore, the reward for completion is now 4 enl tokens instead of 2.

High Priestess Dalinne on Three Generals had had HP lowered by ~30%.

DaleGribble — 08/05/2024 12:00 AM 6 more unretired weapons from the Bronze Weapons quest, hints are below. These are all in dungeons besides the first one (thought it was a dungeon). Keeping them all up till 8/16:

My wife sent me here looking to buy some brand name clothing, a new toaster, and a washing machine but all I found was a bunch of stinky monkeys. I guess I'll head to Macy's or Dillard's instead.

On my way home from Macy's, I stopped for some eggs for breakfast tomorrow. Guess they don't need a refrigerator in here to keep these things cold. These birds don't look like chickens but the taste is close enough, I hope.

Who knew you could grow plants underground. How does that make any sense? I just wanted some shiny gauntlets but they told me I had to kill some dude down in this farm to get them…

My mom told me I needed to wisen up if I was going to make it anywhere in this world so headed here for some Brilliance but all I left with was some Despair.

The devil sold me some enlightened coins for mine and I came here to hunt for it. Met some interesting folks looking for the same thing. Homer who said he sold his for a donut and some ginger kids from South Park who said they never had one to begin with.

I couldn't find what I was looking for in Ikea. I guess I need to go here to get through this dungeon to access some exclusive stuff to fill out my new apartment.

Visu — 08/06/2024 9:02 PM Slight changes made to the bow piece locations in Hidden Caverns. An altar now spawns mobs which will drop the pieces instead of spawning on the ground.

Visu — 08/08/2024 12:25 AM Mobs in Citadel have had their nether resistance lowered Idols XP doubled. Lum remains unchanged.

DaleGribble — 08/08/2024 2:07 PM Yanshi vendor updated with Fire Shreth Hide and Tree Trunk for Buadren quest. Visu — 08/08/2024 7:19 PM Shoushi Grotto (Mites) to be made No Loot later tonight. Re-enter the portal before you set up for the night to ensure you get something overnight!

DaleGribble — 08/09/2024 12:31 PM Banished weapons now provide a qb stamp on pickup. 1 stamp per type but drop rate was reduced from 100%. Also, last 7 bronze weapons are out. All 19 will stay up till August 16th. Clues below for the last 7:

"The first weapon: I used to hunt for materials for my countertops out at this place by Lin back in the day. Its been upgraded since to metal but still brings back some good memories."

"Second: This is where it all started. It was destroyed by Martine but I remember running west into town and trying not to die buying comps from Archmage Jo."

"Third: I'll never forget: Book, Mead, Kite Shield."

"Fourth: The name for this quest was quite appropriate back in the day. These mushrooms packed a punch. This guy outside needs some better self esteem."

"Fifth: This was a fun group activity. Definitely safer running to it during the day then at night."

"Sixth: Scalvus and Moarsmen make a weird team. Why the hell are they out in the middle of the woods conquering forts?"

"Last: This little hidey hole was great for power leveling but damn those hollow lugians could hurt. Go into the portal and might run into some Tumeroks and Virindis mining for something."

DaleGribble — 08/10/2024 7:33 PM qb stamps added for rare game item pick ups, crystal sword, basalt blade, etc.

TheBeef — 08/11/2024 8:35 PM Tonight's server update: Memory use reduction to decrease lag spikes, and a fix for the crash tonight

Visu — 08/12/2024 12:54 AM Changes to the Yanshi Skeleton dungeon: Single spawn. MMD return rate has been lowered from 200 to 50. It'll now be a FAIR coin/mmd tradeoff with Mites. Skeletons buffed so they do more damage. Attack skill lowered. Base luminance increased. Blocked off areas opened.

TheBeef — 08/13/2024 10:19 PM Tonight's server update: Fix for a specific case of ENLs not behaving as they should

Visu — 08/15/2024 10:28 PM Adjustments made to the Obvious Penguin Lair Smaller spawns, faster respawn Increased lum and xp Increased coin %

DaleGribble — 08/16/2024 5:38 PM Unreased content this week instead of retired content as we say goodbye to the bronze weapons. We have released Tumerok Curse Fetishes for the week. 5 QB stamps for this one on the clay totem turn in to Hea Arantah. The five totems are hidden around various creatures in Dereth. Hints are below:

The first clay totem is held by these green enemies of the Hea. I wonder if this guy can sell me any natural medicine for this cold I have. The second clay totem is hidden amongst these annoying pests. Dereth is next level, on earth we just have red ones, yellow jackets, brown ones, but white ones? Crazy. The third cursed clay totem was hidden amongst a common site around Dereth. I personally like the ones with brown hare. To get the fourth totem, you will have to search these angry guys and I wouldn't try milking them. At least you don’t have to last 8 seconds riding them. The fifth totem is nothing to dread or worship. The creatures that hold them are just some sweet bouncy boys.

DaleGribble — 08/16/2024 8:40 PM Geraine's Host QB Updated: Added the 7 stamps from the spreadsheet that were inaccessible prior, GeraineHeart1-7 stamps, to the Lt. who spawns after the simultaneous turn in. Receive from him when you receive the associated title. You'll have to get the hearts again, sorry.

Visu — 08/16/2024 10:49 PM Underground Forest has been rehomed to Subway & is now the Deeper Forest Mines. This dungeon difficulty lies somewhere between Ridge and Sleeches & is trinket only. You can expect approximately 50 purples & 50 pinks/hr. Happy hunting.

Visu — 08/17/2024 12:19 AM Adjusted from 50 to 60mmds.

DaleGribble — 08/17/2024 4:41 PM 17 QB stamps added for first batch of "rare" spawns, separate from rare game and banished previously added. List below. Did not modify the drop rates on the mobs. Going to add more over the next week or so.

Doll Eye Nefane Pearl Puppeteer Skull Carenzi Fangs Snarl Hide Mite Leg Bone Scourge Hide Doomshark Hide Plaguefang Hide Nefane Shell Atakir Blade Gikar's Dream Tchktain Head Large Stone Tablet Creeping Blight Cloak Mhoire Cloak Giant Blessed Moarsman Head

TheBeef — 08/17/2024 9:58 PM Tonight's code update: Fix for a bug that allowed for duping in the bank deposit process. This was reported by a player (thanks for the explanation!) /top augs now includes Melee, Missle new augs. Support for /top gymnos

-=OnlyMemes=- — 08/21/2024 6:51 PM Isbusy check for banking will be changed in an upcoming restart/patch. It will no longer give you the busy error message for simply checking your bank.

Ribby — 08/21/2024 10:16 PM Changes to Olthoi Infused Shadow Armor: -can now add all the upgrades from the VoD vendor at the same time. -The Scored, Brilliant, Solid, Plated, Seared, Chilled, Charged, and Hardened Shards that were used on old GSA will now add leg wards to the armor as well as give stamp on pick up.

Ribby — 08/22/2024 12:37 PM A couple people have been asking for clarity on the OIS Armor, I have added a write-up on the wiki page. https://www.leaftidewiki.com/Custom_Quests_and_Dungeons/Areas_on_Infinite_Leaftide#Olthoi_Infused_Shadow_Armor

DaleGribble — 08/22/2024 12:59 PM Some QOL items added to Yanshi vendor, various portal/ls/mp recall gems

DaleGribble — 08/23/2024 12:41 PM Leaving clay totems up till Monday per request. Clues for this week. These will be at the top of the dungeon and item pick ups, not on mobs this week. Two* are not in a dungeon but other 5 are: This drudge could be the Andrew Carenegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt and JP Morgan of Dereth. Not only has he stolen some wheat, rye and corn seed, but also the locals town stamp. Find the retired town stamp for your stamp! Too bad the color green doesn't look great on me. At least I can put this japanese spear to good use and the local town retired stamp gave me a stamp. Had to find some hidden button in the nearby tower to even get into this place. Who knew Marionette's even gave themselves names? Stars can't get angry so name doesn't make much sense either. The local retired town stamp was conveniently at the top of the dungeon though. I should have used this ticket for my Bachelor party before the big day. Guess I'll just drop it here on the ground at the ceremony before my fiancé sees it. Gorgeous view here. This egg is colorful like these rabbits. I've always wanted to be a bunny master. This chicken looks like he's had an electric day. This rotten egg sure isn't golden like I was promised. I had to say "You're welcome" after this almost human like Mosswart handed me this stone in his new holding. You'll find a stone outside the cave to go down.

Visu — 08/23/2024 9:30 PM Updated Candeth Crater from Augmented Eviscerators to Carnivorous Armoredillos. Slightly lower coin rate Higher xp Lower hp/attack skill

Should be slightly better for boosting and newer players!

The Eviscerators can still be found inside Dungeon Mei.

-=OnlyMemes=- — 08/25/2024 9:58 PM Augmentation gem cost increases after reaching certain aug level thresholds.

Creature - 2750 Item - 1250 Life - 1000 War/Void/Melee/Missile - 1750 Duration - 1000

Ribby — 08/27/2024 11:52 AM Valley Mattekar robe's clothing priority has been adjusted and is now able to be swapped for fixed version with Austa at WW

Ribby — 08/29/2024 6:05 PM Spells have been removed from the casters that WW sells, Austa has been updated to exchange these items. Dbl click her to receive list of items she exchanges. Will post update as other sections get finished! Update* Melee Weapons completed and added to list Update2* Missile weapons and gear have been finished and are now added to the exchanger for removing spells. Let me know if there are any I overlooked!

DaleGribble — 08/30/2024 11:39 AM Retired QB for the week is up, clues below. Do step 1 before step 2. Last weeks staying up till Monday when I have time to take them down. There might be one more retired stamp available after the Costco stamps if you are paying attention!

My mom told me I had to get a job or she would kick me out of the house. My uncle, Tumerok Imoen, got me a job here processing animals. This is pretty gross. One of my coworkers left me a Costco application here, maybe I could get a job there.

Now I gota figure out how to get to Costco to turn this application in to them. Members only apparently. My friend said he lost some gems in the meeting place of a town originally developed to horde off the creatures of the blackmire swamp. He lost a few gems but wasn't sure which one was the right one. Some of those gems might take me to the wrong place. When I get there, I should turn this application into the greeter and try some of the samples on the ground.

Edit: To clarify on the second, he dropped all the different gems in one place, but who knows if the one you pick up is the right one. Will have to keep trying.

DaleGribble — 08/31/2024 10:37 AM Carlo di Cenza has emerged from hiding and Antius Blackmoor's ghost has risen from his grave. The pages of Carlo's journal now all give qb stamps, and the 3 unique turn ins from Carlo to Antius also give stamps. Carlo and Antius are hiding at his grave in Yanshi.

September 2024

Visu — 09/04/2024 10:00 PM New luminance only dungeon 125+ restriction Approx 23-24k melee d to evade Can be found near Lytelthorpe. It is not a portal!

Ribby — 09/09/2024 10:17 AM New Slayer: Cow https://www.leaftidewiki.com/Custom_Quests_and_Dungeons/Areas_on_Infinite_Leaftide#Slayer_Gems Areas on Infinite Leaftide

Visu — 09/11/2024 7:43 PM New coin dungeon 1300+ item aug restriction 40c/hr Located near Wai Jhou. Not a portal!

Ribby — 09/13/2024 3:43 PM Timer on pickup of the Bestower's Guild Puzzle Base has been removed

October 2024

November 2024

December 2024