Exchanger of Stuffs
Temporary Note: (11/09/2024, in the works) - Do not give the Exchanger of Stuffs your mult-slot rares for slot-reduction. Head to the Drudge Hoarder in the NE room of Marketplace for this.
Give a Shadowfire Isparian Crossbow to Exchanger of Stuffs in Marketplace (main room) for a Shadowfire Isparian Bow.
Give a Soul Bound Wand, Paradox-touched Olthoi Wand (Life or War version), Upgraded Singularity Wand (Life or War version) to Exchanger of Stuffs in Marketplace (main room) for a Soul Bound Wand, a Paradox-touched Olthoi Nether Wand, or Upgrade Singularity Void Wand respectively.
Rynthid Tenticle Weapons can now be exchanged at the Exchanger of Stuffs in marketplace for a version without level 8 spells.
If you hand something to the Exchanger of Stuffs NPC and it's unable to exchange for you, the text will say Exchanger of Stuffs doesn't know what to do with that.