Custom Open World QB on Infinite Leaftide

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Contains InfiniteLeaftide specific changes and has diverged from End of Retail.


This page may be considered spoilers as it contains information about many rare mobs found around Dereth.
If you would prefer these mobs remain a surprise, please avoid this page!


  • This page is a one-stop-shop for all open world QB (rare mob drops, loot items, etc)!
  • For convenience, the section below may be expanded to find all the text easily accessible for VSense.
    • copy/paste to your patterns.txt file in ..\Documents\Decal Plugins\Virindi Sense
    • Note: At the top of the patterns.txt file is a number. This number needs to be greater than or equal to the number of entries in the file.
Expand this section for VSense Items:

Banished Mobs

Banished Mu-miyah
Banished Grievver
Banished Shadow
Banished Phyntos Wasp
Banished Tusker
Banished Tumerok
Banished Drudge
Banished Lugian
Banished Monouga
Banished Banderling
Banished Olthoi

Fallen Mobs

Fallen Lugian
Fallen Grievver
Fallen Marionette
Fallen Rift
Fallen Margul
Fallen Shadow
Fallen Mite
Fallen Drudge
Fallen Tumerok
Fallen Crystal Shard
Fallen Doll

Harbinger Mobs

Telumiat Hollow Minion
Adolescent Ash Gromnie
Ash Gromnie
Drudge Cabalist
Drudge Ravener
Drudge Mystic
Drudge Sage
Peerless Drudge
Gloom Drudge
Murk Drudge
Primeval Skeleton
Skeletal Hero
Dark Master
Banderling Antagonist
Banderling Aggressor
Banderling Predator
Banderling Scalper
Banderling Slayer
Banderling Savage
Olthoi Mutilator
Olthoi Noble
Acidic Diamond Golem
Diamond Golem
Diamond Lord
Obsidian Golem
Granite Golem
Copper Golem
Wood Golem
Iron Golem
Rendeath Shreth
Gauloth Shreth
Bloodthirsty Monouga
Insidious Monouga
Merciless Monouga
Plate Armoredillo
Reedshark Slasher

Retail Rare Mobs

Atakir, the Dark Prince
T'thuun Sclavus Huntsmaster
Befouled Doll
Giant Blessed Moarsman
Filinuvekta Emissary
Corrupted Pyre Oak
Lady Tairla Mhoire
Colossal Mite
Parfal Nefane
Glissnal Nefane
Listris Nefane
Tchk'Tain the Tender

Custom ILT Rare Mobs

The Kraken
Disgruntled Golem
Babe the Rabbid Blue Auroch
Kain the Maggot King
Mountain Marge
Aun Abomination
Skull Crusher

Banished Weapons

Skill Weapon Creature Stamp
Magic Banished Orb Icon.png Banished Orb Banished Mu-miyah You've stamped BanishedOrbPickUp!
Missile Weapons Banished Atlatl Icon.png Banished Atlatl Banished Grievver You've stamped BanishedAtlatlPickUp!
Missile Weapons Banished Bow Icon.png Banished Bow Banished Shadow You've stamped BanishedBowPickUp!
Missile Weapons Banished Crossbow Icon.png Banished Crossbow Banished Phyntos Wasp You've stamped BanishedXbowPickUp!
Heavy Weapons Banished Point Icon.png Banished Point Banished Tusker You've stamped BanishedPointPickUp!
Heavy Weapons Banished Spear Icon.png Banished Spear Banished Tumerok You've stamped BanishedSpearPickUp!
Heavy Weapons Banished Staff Icon.png Banished Staff Banished Drudge You've stamped BanishedStaffPickUp!
Finesse Weapons Banished Axe Icon.png Banished Axe Banished Lugian You've stamped BanishedAxePickUp!
Finesse Weapons Banished Nekode Icon.png Banished Nekode Banished Monouga You've stamped BanishedNekodePickUp!
Light Weapons Banished Blade Icon.png Banished Blade Banished Banderling You've stamped BanishedBladePickUp!
Light Weapons Banished Mace Icon.png Banished Mace Banished Olthoi You've stamped BanishedMacePickUp!

Fallen Weapons

Skill Weapon Creature Location Stamp
Magic Eye of the Fallen Icon.png Eye of the Fallen Fallen Lugian Valley of Death Needs Stamp
Missile Weapons Atlatl of the Fallen Icon.png Atlatl of the Fallen Fallen Grievver Valley of Death Needs Stamp
Missile Weapons Bow of the Fallen Icon.png Bow of the Fallen Fallen Marionette Singularity Caul You've stamped BowoftheFallen!
Missile Weapons Crossbow of the Fallen Icon.png Crossbow of the Fallen Fallen Rift Singularity Caul You've stamped CrossbowoftheFallen!
Two Handed Combat Icon.png [[|]] [[]] [[]] Needs Stamp
Heavy Weapons Spear of the Fallen Icon.png Spear of the Fallen Fallen Margul Singularity Caul You've stamped SpearoftheFallen!
Heavy Weapons Staff of the Fallen Icon.png Staff of the Fallen Fallen Shadow Singularity Caul
Valley of Death
You've stamped StaffoftheFallen!
Light Weapons Dirk of the Fallen Icon.png Dirk of the Fallen Fallen Mite Singularity Caul You've stamped DirkoftheFallen!
Light Weapons Mace of the Fallen Icon.png Mace of the Fallen Fallen Drudge Valley of Death Needs Stamp
Finesse Weapons Blade of the Fallen Icon.png Blade of the Fallen Fallen Tumerok Valley of Death Needs Stamp
Finesse Weapons Hammer of the Fallen Icon.png Hammer of the Fallen Fallen Crystal Shard Valley of Death Needs Stamp
Finesse Weapons Katar of the Fallen Icon.png Katar of the Fallen Fallen Doll Singularity Caul You've stamped KataroftheFallen!

Dirty Old Crates (Worn and Battered Weapons)

  • Worn Weapons:
Worn Weapon First Half Stamp Second Half Stamp
Worn Old Atlatl Icon.png Worn Old Atlatl Need Stamp Need Stamp
Worn Old Bow Icon.png Worn Old Bow You've stamped FirstHalfWornBowPickUp! You've stamped SecondHalfWornBowPickUp!
Worn Old Crossbow Icon.png Worn Old Crossbow You've stamped FirstHalfWornCrossbowPickUp! Need Stamp
File:Two-hand? Icon.png two-hand? Need Stamp Need Stamp
Worn Old Axe Icon.png Worn Old Axe You've stamped FirstHalfWornAxePickUp! Need Stamp
Worn Old Mace Icon.png Worn Old Mace You've stamped FirstHalfWornMacePickUp! Need Stamp
Worn Old Cestus Icon.png Worn Old Cestus Need Stamp You've stamped SecondHalfWornCestusPickUp!
Worn Old Dagger Icon.png Worn Old Dagger Need Stamp Need Stamp
Worn Old Sword Icon.png Worn Old Sword You've stamped FirstHalfWornSwordPickUp! Need Stamp
Worn Old Spear Icon.png Worn Old Spear You've stamped FirstHalfWornSpearPickUp! You've stamped SecondHalfWornSpearPickUp!
Worn Old Staff Icon.png Worn Old Staff Need Stamp You've stamped SecondHalfWornStaffPickUp!
  • Battered Weapons:
Battered Weapon First Half Stamp Second Half Stamp
Battered Old Atlatl Icon.png Battered Old Atlatl Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Bow Icon.png Battered Old Bow Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Crossbow Icon.png Battered Old Crossbow Need Stamp Need Stamp
File:Two-hand? Icon.png two-hand? Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Axe Icon.png Battered Old Axe Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Mace Icon.png Battered Old Mace Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Cestus Icon.png Battered Old Cestus Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Dagger Icon.png Battered Old Dagger Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Sword Icon.png Battered Old Sword Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Spear Icon.png Battered Old Spear Need Stamp Need Stamp
Battered Old Staff Icon.png Battered Old Staff Need Stamp Need Stamp

Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger Items

  • For convenient reference, the item list required for Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger.
  • These items are not QB on pickup, but worth a significant amount of QB on doing the quest.
Item Skill Dropped By Stamp
Slasher Reedshark Hide Icon.png Slasher Reedshark Hide Alchemy Reedshark Slasher You've stamped HarbingerRaiseAlchemy!
Skull of a Skeletal Hero Icon.png Skull of a Skeletal Hero Arcane Lore Skeletal Hero You've stamped HarbingerRaiseArcane!
Drudge Sage Charm Icon.png Drudge Sage Charm Armor Tinkering Drudge Sage You've stamped HarbingerRaiseArmorTink!
Wood Heart Icon.png Wood Heart Assess Creature Wood Golem You've stamped HarbingerRaiseAssessCreature!
Ash Gromnie Tooth Icon.png Ash Gromnie Tooth Assess Person Ash Gromnie, Adolescent Ash Gromnie You've stamped HarbingerRaisePerson!!
Banderling Antagonist Scalp Icon.png Banderling Antagonist Scalp Cooking Banderling Antagonist You've stamped HarbingerRaiseCooking!
Murk Drudge Charm Icon.png Murk Drudge Charm Creature Enchantment Murk Drudge You've stamped HarbingerRaiseCreature!!
Granite Heart Icon.png Granite Heart Deception Granite Golem You've stamped HarbingerRaiseDeception!
Primeval Skeleton Shin Bone Icon.png Primeval Skeleton Shin Bone Dirty Fighting Primeval Skeleton You've stamped HarbingerRaiseMace!!
Banderling Predator Scalp Icon.png Banderling Predator Scalp Dual Wield Banderling Predator You've stamped HarbingerRaiseCrossbow!!
Banderling Bone Ring (Trophy) Icon.png Banderling Bone Ring (Trophy) Finesse Weapons Banderling Scalper You've stamped HarbingerRaiseDagger!!
Banderling Slayer Scalp Icon.png Banderling Slayer Scalp Fletching Banderling Slayer You've stamped HarbingerRaiseFletching!
Olthoi Head Icon.png Olthoi Head Healing Olthoi Noble You've stamped HarbingerRaiseHealing!
Mutilator Head Icon.png Mutilator Head Heavy Weapons Olthoi Mutilator You've stamped HarbingerRaiseSword!
Insidious Monouga Idol Icon.png Insidious Monouga Idol Item Enchantment Insidious Monouga You've stamped HarbingerRaiseItem!
Plate Armoredillo Hide Icon.png Plate Armoredillo Hide Item Tinkering Plate Armoredillo You've stamped HarbingerRaiseItemTink!
Copper Heart Icon.png Copper Heart Jump Copper Golem You've stamped HarbingerRaiseJump!
Ravener Guts Icon.png Ravener Guts Leadership Drudge Ravener You've stamped HarbingerRaiseLeadership!
Drudge Cabalist Charm Icon.png Drudge Cabalist Charm Life Magic Drudge Cabalist You've stamped HarbingerRaiseLife!
Rendeath Shreth Hide Icon.png Rendeath Shreth Hide Light Weapons Rendeath Shreth You've stamped HarbingerRaiseAxe!!
Merciless Monouga Idol Icon.png Merciless Monouga Idol Lockpick Merciless Monouga You've stamped HarbingerRaiseLockpick!
Obsidian Heart Icon.png Obsidian Heart Loyalty Obsidian Golem You've stamped HarbingerRaiseLoyalty!
Peerless Drudge Charm Icon.png Peerless Drudge Charm Magic Defense Peerless Drudge You've stamped HarbingerRaiseMagic!!
Mystic Drudge Charm Icon.png Mystic Drudge Charm Magic Item Tinkering Drudge Mystic You've stamped HarbingerRaiseMagicTink!!
Essence of a Phantasm Icon.png Essence of a Phantasm Mana Conversion Phantasm You've stamped HarbingerRaiseConversion!
Telumiat Hollow Minion Essence Icon.png Telumiat Hollow Minion Essence Melee Defense Telumiat Hollow Minion You've stamped HarbingerRaiseMelee!
Banderling Savage Arm Icon.png Banderling Savage Arm Missile Defense Banderling Savage You've stamped HarbingerRaiseMissile!!
Gauloth Shreth Hide Icon.png Gauloth Shreth Hide Recklessness Gauloth Shreth You've stamped HarbingerRaiseSpear!!
Iron Heart Icon.png Iron Heart Run Iron Golem You've stamped HarbingerRaiseRun!
Diamond Heart Icon.png Diamond Heart Shield Diamond Golem, Diamond Lord, Acidic Diamond Golem You've stamped HarbingerRaiseShield!
Gloom Drudge Charm Icon.png Gloom Drudge Charm Sneak Attack Gloom Drudge You've stamped HarbingerRaiseStaff!
Reaper Reedshark Hide Icon.png Reaper Reedshark Hide Two Handed Combat Reaper You've stamped HarbingerRaiseUnarmed!
Skull of a Dark Master Icon.png Skull of a Dark Master Void Magic Dark Master You've stamped HarbingerRaiseThrown!
Banderling Aggressor Scalp Icon.png Banderling Aggressor Scalp War Magic Banderling Aggressor You've stamped HarbingerRaiseWar!
Bloodthirsty Monouga Idol Icon.png Bloodthirsty Monouga Idol Weapon Tinkering Bloodthirsty Monouga You've stamped HarbingerRaiseWeaponTink!

Retail Rare Mob Drops

  • Random open world Rare Mobs from retail. Big thanks to Dale Gribble for the QB!
Item Dropped By Stamp
Atakir's Blade Icon.png Atakir's Blade Atakir, the Dark Prince Need Stamp
Carenzi Fangs Icon.png Carenzi Fangs Ravager Need Stamp
Creeping Blight Cloak Icon.png Creeping Blight Cloak T'thuun Sclavus Huntsmaster You've stamped BlightCloakPickUp!
Doll's Eye Icon.png Doll's Eye Befouled Doll Need Stamp
Doomshark Hide Icon.png Doomshark Hide Doomshark Need Stamp
Giant Blessed Moarsman's Severed Head Icon.png Giant Blessed Moarsman's Severed Head Giant Blessed Moarsman You've stamped GiantBlessedHeadPickUp!
Gikar's Dream Icon.png Gikar's Dream Gikar You've stamped GikarsDreamPickUp!
Large Stone Tablet Icon.png Large Stone Tablet Filinuvekta Emissary Need Stamp
House Mhoire Cloak Icon.png House Mhoire Cloak Corrupted Pyre Oak, DeathTail, Lady Tairla Mhoire You've stamped MhoireCloakPickUp!
Mite Leg Bone Icon.png Mite Leg Bone Colossal Mite You've stamped MiteLegBonePickUp!
Nefane Pearl Icon.png Nefane Pearl Parfal Nefane You've stamped NefanePearlPickUp!
Nefane Shell Icon.png Nefane Shell Glissnal Nefane, Listris Nefane You've stamped NefaneShellPickUp!
Plaguefang's Hide Icon.png Plaguefang's Hide Plaguefang You've stamped PlaguefangHidePickUp!
Puppeteer's Skull Icon.png Puppeteer's Skull Puppeteer You've stamped PuppeteerSkullPickUp!
Scourge's Hide Icon.png Scourge's Hide Scourge You've stamped ScourgeHidePickUp!
Snarl's Hide Icon.png Snarl's Hide Snarl You've stamped SnarlHidePickUp!
Tchk'Tain the Tender's Severed Head Icon.png Tchk'Tain the Tender's Severed Head Tchk'Tain the Tender Need Stamp

Custom Infinite Leaftide Rare Drops

  • Custom Rare Mob drops courtesy of your friendly ILT Dev Team!
  • All Custom Rare Mobs also drop QB items which may be turned in with Mr. R, Rare Trophy Collector for various rewards.
Item Dropped By Stamp
Kraken Pearl Icon.png Kraken Pearl The Kraken You've stamped NefanePearlPickUp!