Custom Dungeons on Infinite Leaftide

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Contains InfiniteLeaftide specific changes and has diverged from End of Retail.

Dungeon Luminance Augment Requirements (Organized for Progression)

For clarity and consistency these are the guidelines to update Custom Dungeon requirements of farming there.

It's assumed you are only in a full Legendary Suit for your Damage and Defense vectors and potential access to a Monster Slayer if available or created at a later date and anything else is extra like Event items, Wicked Wares, Damage Rating and Enlightenments that fluctuate the true numbers. We all want to know the consistent numbers. You do get a better return for having balanced augments for the expended costs.

I'm also including Effective Melee Defense because the Augment Requirements are sometimes adjusted, this way people know what the true target is, and to find what you need to raise more even if you don't have adequate Gear.

Once you surpass and break the Effective Melee Defense target you should see optimal evading.

If we had someone really good with numbers, we could try to find a formula for Damage Rating to equal how many points of Damage for Item/War/Void/Melee/Missile approximately. Then you can slide all of those up or down on whatever you may have in excess.

[Like does 1 Damage Rating = 5 War Augments?]

Creature - Key factor to Evade 100% especially in the medium to higher tier of Custom Dungeons where they can hit upwards of 200+ non critical Damage per swing. Also being able to land 100% of the time with War or Void magic, plus Melee and Missile attacks. (These numbers can fluctuate if you overpower your Creature augments ratio to something extreme like 900 Creature, 100 Item.)

Item - Adding to the key factor to evade 100% and also adding to offense for War or Void magic, plus Melee and Missile damage.

(These numbers can fluctuate if you overpower your Magical, Melee or Missile damage augments.)

[It can also fluctuate numbers if you overpower your Item augments ratio to something extreme like 200 Creature, 1000 Item.]

Life - This can be a catch 22, because if you have enough Creature and Item you can avoid 100% of Melee and Missile attacks, possibly resist Magic as well. This does play more of a key factor for higher custom dungeons where mobs can spam Spells on you bypassing your Defenses when you will need more elemental protections. The true metric for protection against Magic users would be where you can safely clear a wave of monsters before you need to heal up again to increase clear speed.

Useful for event bosses and every 10 life augments increases your damage rating by 1 on your destruction surge proc's.

War/Void/Melee/Missile - This included metric should be where you can safely 1 shot monsters without a critical or sneak attack proc while using a Slayer weapon of choice if available or a Slayer gem for the monster type is created at a later date. (These numbers can fluctuate if your Item is over the base requirement of avoidance)

Now we can all be on the same page, and when you make adjustments we will have a unified experience. Survival is not enough, we must Thrive.

Mountain Citadel (MC)

Fort Tethana {5.4N, 71.7W} - Tukora Sentinel

  • Entry Level Experience.
  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: ? Creature, ? Item, ? Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Egg Orchard (EO)

Eastwatch {96.0N, 48.1W} (Level Req 140+) - Olthoi Slashers, Olthoi Slayers, and Olthoi Rippers

  • Faster and increased respawn great for Entry Level Luminance farming.
  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: ? Creature, ? Item, ? Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)
  • Entry Level Luminance farming.

Wilderness Citadel (WC)

Mayoi {67.9S, 62.6E} (Level Req 140+) - Gotrok Behemoth

  • Fast respawn great for Entry Level Luminance farming.
  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: ? Creature, ? Item, ? Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Ayan Baqur Black Spawn Den (ABBSD)

Ayan Baqur {56.6S, 86.0W} (Level Req 140+) - Tusker Menace

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 40+ Creature, 30+ Item, and 20+ Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)
  • Entry Level Luminance farming.

Egg Orchard East (EOE)

Eastwatch {96.0N, 48.1W} (Level Req 140+) - Augmented Swarm Demons [No Slashers, Slayers, or Rippers]

  • Luminance Augs Recommendation: 40 Creature, 20 Item, and 20 Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Falatacot Trinkets now dropping on Augmented Swarm Demons.

Wai-Jhou Black Spawn Den (WJBSD)

Obsidian Plains {60.0S, 57.7W} (Level Req 140+) - Enraged Stomper

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 40+ Creature, 30+ Item, and 20+ Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Hills Citadel (HC)

Baishi {56.6S, 66.9E} (Level Req 180+) - Gotrok Destroyers

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 50 Creature, 20 Item, 20 Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Dungeon Mei (DM)

Shoushi {36.9S, 70.3E} (Level Req 180+) - Augmented Eviscerators [Fast Spawning]

  • Luminance Augs Recommendation: 50 Creature, 20 Item, 20 Life, 50 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Tier 8 Loot, Trinkets and Reds added to Loot Table.

Falatacot Trinkets now dropping on Augmented Eviscerators.

Egg Orchard West (EOW)

Eastwatch {96.0N, 48.1W} (Level Req 180+) - Augmented Eviscerators [They are harder than Swarm Demons and also spray Lightning]

  • Luminance Augs Recommendation: 50 Creature, 20 Item, 20 Life, 50 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Falatacot Trinkets now dropping on Augmented Eviscerators.

Mysterious Siraluun Nest (MSN)

Timaru {44.8N, 78.0W} (Level Req 190+) - Dire Siraluun

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 50+ Creature, 25+ Item, and 20+ Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)
  • You've stamped BirdFlu! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]
  • Turn in to Ulgrim the OmniCollector
  • Make sure you walk through the entrance portal at least once to get the QB mentioned above and unlock the ability to collect eggs. If you tie and recall into the dungeon it won't let you collect eggs if you've never gone through the portal naturally at least once time

Birds dungeon reworked slightly.

-Improved pathing

-Larger mob spawns, slower regen. Coin rate should increase an extra 2/hr

A lost tourist can also be found somewhere deep in the Dungeon. Find him for some free QB!

You've stamped RescuedDintale!!

You've stamped RelievedTindale!!

Egg Trade-ins:

 First turn-in: You've stamped EggDeliveryService!!
 You give Ulgrim the OmniCollector Dire Siraluun Egg.
 You hand over 99 of your Dire Siraluun Eggs.
 Ulgrim the OmniCollector gives you 100 Trade Notes (250,000).
 Ulgrim the OmniCollector gives you 10 Enlightened Coin.
 You give Ulgrim the OmniCollector Dire Siraluun Egg.
 You hand over 49 of your Dire Siraluun Eggs.
 Ulgrim the OmniCollector gives you 50 Trade Notes (250,000).
 Ulgrim the OmniCollector gives you 5 Enlightened Coin.
 You give Ulgrim the OmniCollector Dire Siraluun Egg.
 You hand over 9 of your Dire Siraluun Eggs.
 Ulgrim the OmniCollector gives you 10 Trade Notes (250,000).
 Note: handing in 10 eggs does not give the expected 1 Enlightened Coin, so consider only turning in 50 or 100 eggs at a time.

Obvious Penguin Lair (OPL)

Redspire {40.0N, 83.1W} - Dire Siraluun Penguin [Siraluun Lair Clone]

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 50+ Creature, 25+ Item, and 20+ Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)
  • You've stamped PengFlu! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]

-Smaller Spawns, Faster Respawn {Penguin Drop Rate Increased}

-Increased Luminance and Experience

-Increased Coin %

Teth Black Spawn Den (TBSD)

Fort Tethana {13.6N, 79.8W} (Level Req 225+) - Nasty Brass Monkey [Spawn Increased]

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 100+ Creature, 60+ Item, and 50+ Life, 130 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Top Tier 8 Loot.

Dark Design (DD)

Eastwatch {93.8N 44.9W} (Level Req 200+) - Mosswart Assailant

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 150 Creature, 100 Item, and 50 Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Top Tier 8 Loot.

Desert Citadel (DC)

Candeth Keep {84.5S 59.7W} (Level Req 500+) - Feral Lugians

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 200 Creature, 130 Item, and 50 Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Shoushi Grotto (SG)

Shoushi {34.7S, 72.9E} (Level Req 501+) - Mitey Knights and Mitey Reinforcers

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 350+ Creature, 150+ Item, and 50+ Life, 150 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (3,000)
  • You've stamped MiteFarm! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]

Snow Cave (SC)

Frozen Valley {83.5N, 6.9W} (Level Req 501+) - Unhappy Snowman and Happy Snowman

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 350+ Creature, 150+ Item, and 50+ Life, 150 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)
  • You've stamped SnowmanFarm!! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]

Drops include Aetheria (Blue), Ancient Falatacot Trinkets, and MMDs to craft coins with.

(Use your Frozen Valley Everlasting Portal Gem to get you nearby which can be purchased for 10 Enlightened Coins at Wicked Wares vendor or the Abandoned Mines Portal Sending Gem, then run down the south tunnel to west hub Frozen Tomb portal then take the Surface portal. run up and you will be outside.)

Nauseous Olthoi Nest (NON)

Ayan Baqur {60.1S, 89.4W} (Level Req 425+) - Repulsive Olthoi and Abnormal Slug / Fetid Olthoi and Olthoi Parasite

New Death Loot System

Upper Level is Equivalent to Grotto requirements - Repulsive Olthoi and Abnormal Slug

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 350+ Creature, 150+ Item, and 70+ Life, 100+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (3,000)

Lower Level is Equivalent to Ridge requirements - Fetid Olthoi and Olthoi Parasite

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 500+ Creature, 250+ Item, and 70+ Life, 320+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Monsters have a chance to drop Durable Legendary Keys (10 Use) and Olthoi Slimy Shells that can be turned into the nearby Ulgrim the OmniCollector for MMDs and Completed Mythical Keys.

For 100 Shells he will reward: 350 MMDs and 5 Completed Mythical Keys

-Nauseaus Olthoi Nest has had the drop rate increased for shells.

  • You've stamped BugFlu! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]

Badass Bone Hole (BBH)

Yanshi {11.7S, 42.4E} - Slimy Badass Bones and Slimy Buddy Bone

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 500 Creature, 250 Item, 70 Life, 225 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)
  • You've stamped SkullFlu! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]

Ulgrim the OmniCollector will take 100 Badass Skulls and reward: 80 MMDs 200 Weakly Coins

  • You've stamped BadassSkullQuest!!
  • Single spawn.
  • Skeletons buffed so they do more damage.
  • Attack skill lowered.
  • Base luminance increased.
  • Blocked off areas opened.
  • Slight increase in drop rate for skulls to bring expected coins more in line with difficulty of the dungeon.
  • Lum increased slightly, drop rate increased slightly - now performing slightly better than mites level in terms of coin production

Ridge Citadel (RC)

Qalaba'r {70.2S, 24.2E} (Level Req 700+) - Lugianators and Shamaniac

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 500 Creature, 250 Item, 70 Life, 320 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (4,500)
  • Increased lum per kill to now award higher lum than mites.
  • You've stamped TurtleCurse!!

Deeper Forest Mines (DFM)

Glenden Wood {31.5N, 20.8E} (Level Req 650+) - Drudge Predators

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 700+ Creature, 400+ Item, 70+ Life, 500+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (5,500)

This dungeon difficulty lies somewhere between Ridge - Sleeches and is Trinket only. You can expect approximately 50 Purples & 50 Pinks per Hour. Happy Hunting.

  • You've stamped UndergroundForest!! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]

Forbidden Crypts (FC)

Al-Jalima {6.5N, 3.0E} (Level Req 800+ 3kQB) - Undead Librarians and Undead Custodians

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 500+ Creature, 500+ Item, and 70+ Life, ? War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (Exact number value to be added)

Top Tier 8 Loot with Trinkets/Reds as well as Kits/Mana stones/Spirits/Peas added

Asheron's Idol (AI)

Singularity Caul {99.1S, 94.8W} (Level Req 100+) [Enlightenment 25+ Req] - Winning Idols

[South of Caul portal drop, then jump down then jump up next hill]

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 800+ Creature, 400+ Item, 70+ Life, War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (6,500)

Endless Experience & Luminance Dungeon - No Loot

  • Idols Experience doubled. Luminance remains unchanged.

Slippery Sleesh Slop Sanctum (S4)

Dark Isle {85.9N, 59.2E} (Level Req 750+) [Item Augmentation 475+ Req] - Luscious Sleeches and Cave Rats

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 800+ Creature, 475+ Item, 190 Life, 500 War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (7300)
  • You've stamped SleeshFlu! [Enter to gain QB and Enable New Auto Loot Feature]
  • Frost Resist Experience Augmentations recommended to lower Life augment requirement (Optional, can save you Coin expenditure starting out)
  • Now have a low chance to drop Blue aetheria.

Breakfast So Deadly (BSOD)

Mid Direlands {37.2S, 66.1W} (Level Req 800+) [Item Augmentation 750+ Req] - Pancake Liberators and Syrup Smashers \ Sugar Guard and Pink Pancake Nanjou Guard

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 1000+ Creature, 750+ Item, 110+ Life, 900+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (9500)

[Portal located in East Subway Tunnel]

Nibblers Hideout (NH)

Arwic {34.0N, 56.5E} (Level Req 100+) [Enlightenment 50+ Req] - Sunbaked Dookie Nibbler and Cave Researcher

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 1000+ Creature, 750+ Item, 110+ Life, 900+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (9,500)

Endless Experience & Luminance Dungeon - No Loot

Caverns of Terror (CoT)

Eastwatch {88.9N, 44.5W} [Enlightenment 75+ Req] - Tundra Terror and Silenced Wisp

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 1800+ Creature, 1000+ Item, and 70+ Life, 1000+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (14.500)

Endless Experience & Luminance Dungeon - No Loot

[From this Coin Dungeon and Beyond, you will want to Tinker your T9 Loot Generated Wand with Brass instead of Green Garnet for Evasion. It's more cost effective to raise Damage Augments rather than Item.]

Rocky Crag (RC)

Kara {83.9S, 47.9E} (Level Req 850+) [Item Augmentation 1025+ Req] - Doom Golem and Mosswart Protector (Rocky Crag)

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 1800+ Creature, 1050+ Item, 190+ Life, and 950+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense (17,000)

Renovated auto loot coin dungeon! Life augments encouraged.

[From this Coin Dungeon and Beyond, you will want to Tinker your T9 Loot Generated Wand with Brass instead of Green Garnet for Evasion. It's more cost effective to raise Damage Augments rather than Item.]

Moonscarred Halls (MH)

Al-Jalima {9.3N, 5.7E} (Level 200+) [Enlightenment 100+ Req] - Moonscarred Rynthid and Moonscarred Patroller

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 2000+ Creature, 1150+ Item, and 190+ Life, 1300+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (18,500)

Endless Experience & Luminance Dungeon - No Loot

[From this Dungeon you will want to Tinker your T9 Loot Generated Wand with Brass instead of Green Garnet for Evasion. It's more cost effective to raise Damage Augments rather than Item.]

Torch (T)

Wai Jhou {61.9N, 51.5E} [Item Augmentation 1300+ Req] - Coruscating Death

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 2300+ Creature, 1300+ Item, and 350+ Life, 1300+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (21,750)

New Coin Dungeon. 40 Coins/Hour

Located near Wai Jhou. Not a Portal!

[From this Coin Dungeon you will want to Tinker your T9 Loot Generated Wand with Brass instead of Green Garnet for Evasion. It's more cost effective to raise Damage Augments rather than Item.]

  • You've stamped SoulHarvestFlu!!

Dusty Hatch (DH)

Lytelthorpe {0.1N, 52.6E} [Enlightenment 125+ Req] - Aluvian Beef Cattle and Slaughterhouse Butcher

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 2400+ Creature, 1300+ Item, and 190+ Life, 1800+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (23,250)

Endless Experience & Luminance Dungeon - No Loot

Can be found near Lytelthorpe, It is not a Portal.!

Dusty Hatch tells you, "Be gone."

[From this Dungeon you will want to Tinker your T9 Loot Generated Wand with Brass instead of Green Garnet for Evasion. It's more cost effective to raise Damage Augments rather than Item.]

  • You've stamped SlaughterhouseDung!!

Bookcase (B)

Yaraq {22.4S, 1.8W} [Enlightenment 150+ Req] - Banderling Horrifiers

  • Luminance Augs Recommendations: 2500+ Creature, 1700+ Item, and 190+ Life, 2000+ War/Void, ? Melee, ? Missile.
  • Effective Melee Defense - (26,500)

Endless Experience & Luminance Dungeon - No Loot

Can be found near Yaraq. Not a Portal.

Start reading. A sudden force pulls you into portal space.

[From this Dungeon you will want to Tinker your T9 Loot Generated Wand with Brass instead of Green Garnet for Evasion. It's more cost effective to raise Damage Augments rather than Item.]

Miscellaneous Updates

  1. Dungeon Mei outside Shoushi has been updated to contain fast spawning Augmented Eviscerators. (Level Req 180+)
  2. Forbidden Crypts outside Al-Jalima has been updated to contain Undead Librarians. (Level Req 200+)
  3. Underground Forest outside Glenden Wood has been updated to contain Drudge Predators. (Level Req 650+)
  4. Tusker Barracks has a faster spawn rate
  5. Frozen Valley has increased spawns and loot
  6. Tou-Tou has increased loot
  7. Neftet has increased spawns
  8. Creepy Canyons has faster spawn rate
  9. Matron Hives (North, South, West, East) have faster spawn rates
  10. Upgraded Valley of Death is live!
  11. Monsters in Citadel have had their Nether resistance lowered.
  12. Resistances of mobs in a few dungeons will be adjusted up to ensure no one weapon is good everywhere. Primary weakness will not be adjusted.