Custom Quality of Life Updates on Infinite Leaftide

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Contains InfiniteLeaftide specific changes and has diverged from End of Retail.


Use a Buffing Golem (Infinite Leaftide Buffer) to receive Level 8 Buffs! Buffers are located in Arwic, Candeth Keep, Holtburg, Sanamar, Shoushi, Yaraq and Marketplace!


Marketplace is updated with a lot of QoL Enhancements!

Main Room:

  1. Dereth Gossip Reveals new tips about Inscription!
  2. Infinite Leaftide Buffer
  3. Exchanger of Stuffs
  4. Marty the Helper (NE Hallway) [Introductory Server Guide]

NE Room:

  1. Drudge Hoarder - Exchanges Rare Armor and Rare Jewelry for Updated Versions; See Custom_Quality_of_Life_Updates_on_Infinite_Leaftide#Rare_Armor_and_Jewelry_Updates
  2. Ealdred - Barber
  3. Infinite Leaftide Customs
    1. Subway Portal Gem / Town Network Gem (Unlimited Use)
    2. Bags of Craft 10 Tinkering Salvage, Foolproof Imbue Salvage, Treated Health Kit Ingredients, Aetheria Hammer
    3. Diamond Scarabs
    4. Aetheria Desiccant / Decanter of Siphoning
  4. Marid - Copy of Stipend Vendor from Arwic
  5. Monroe - Copy of Stipend Officer from Arwic
  6. Tailoring Gear Vendor - Sells armor, weapons, magic casters for tailoring and guises.
  7. Ianto - Tailor
  8. Sir Onsefam - QoL Rares (Recall Gems, Keys, Infinite Ivory/Leather, Kits, Mana Stone, Infinite Dyes)
  9. Tunlok Weapons Master - Copy of Candeth Keep Tree Weapon Vendor
  10. Aun Amanaualuan the Elder Shaman - Copy of Candeth Keep Tree Mage Vendor
  11. Thimrin Woodsetter - Copy of Candepth Keep Tree General Vendor
  12. Laurana - Master Fletcher Vendor
  13. Janier al-Evv - Alchemist Vendor
  14. Owgi Nardrum - Exchanges Society Ribbons for other Society Ribbons
  15. Collector
  16. Ivory Crafter
  17. Chow Yung Phat - Exchanges Legendary Keys for Mythical | Keys 100 : 1 Trade Ratio
  18. Thalor Quickforge - He's a very crafty individual that can transmit a useful gift to you, allowing you to instantly craft Enlightened Coins (whisper AutoCrafting after talking to him, then click Yes.) type /clap all to perform the function.

(Require's MMDs in your Bank as the Desiccant cost)

You've stamped AutoCraftingEnabled!! You've stamped FreeAutoCraft!!

SE Room:

  1. Custom_Quality_of_Life_Updates_on_Infinite_Leaftide#Mule_Booster

NW Room:

  1. Lifestone
  2. Portal to Town Network
  3. Legendary Chests - General; Same Chests as Arwic
  4. Sets of Quest Legendary Chests for Armor, Magic, and Weapon - Legendary Keys from Quests; Those that contain a Timer and the 25 Use Legendary Key

Facility Hub Portals

Facility Hub has been updated to include all Olthoi Pincer dungeons, all Tusker Tusk dungeons, and all Eater Jaw dungeons!

Subway Portals

Abandoned Mine {34.8N 54.5E}

Top of Subway:

  • Towns: [East Subway Tunnel]
    • Ayan Baqur
    • Candeth Keep
    • Crater
    • Wai-Jhou
  • Outdoor Locations: [East Subway Tunnel]
  • Dungeons: [Southwest Subway Tunnel]
    • Augmentation Realm Main Level (Level Req 125+) {Eater Jaw Flagging} Augmentation Gem
    • Creepy Canyons (Level Req 100+)
    • Empyrean Facility Upper Level (Level 75+ Req) {Aetheria Flagging}
    • Frozen Tomb (Level Req 200+) {Luminance Flagging Dungeon}
    • Insatiable Vault (Level Req 125+) Insatiable Eater Jaw
    • Mukkir-Infested Black Spear Temple (Level Req 151+) {Mukkir Aspect of Grael Quest Flagging} Greater Mukkir Slayer Stone
    • Singularity Bore (Level Req 50+)
    • Temple of Harvests
    • Underground City (Retail Portal)
    • AC Storage Facility [South Subway Tunnel]
      • Harbinger's Lair
      • Humming Crystal
      • Bandit Castle
      • Shendolain
      • Ulgrim's Island
      • Snowy Valley
      • Throne of the Tusker King
      • Wicked Wares
      • Lighthouse
      • Asheron's Castle
      • Holtburg VIP Casino (Requires Flagging)
    • Deeper Forest Mines [Southwest Southwest Tunnel]

Bottom of Subway: [Clockwise Layout]

  • BSD - Ayan (Level Req 140+)
  • BSD - Wai-Jhou (Level Req 140+)
  • BSD - Teth (Level Req 225+)
  • Snow Cave (Level Req 501+)
  • Shoushi Grotto (Level Req 501+)
  • Citadel - Mountain
  • Citadel - Wilderness (Level Req 140+)
  • Citadel - Hills (Level Req 180+)
  • Citadel - Desert (Level Req 500+)
  • Citadel - Ridge (Level Req 700+)
  • Dark Design (Level Req 200+)
  • Egg Orchard (Level Req 140+)
  • Egg Orchard East (Level Req 140+)
  • Egg Orchard West (Level Req 180+)

Stipend and Augmentation Gem Timers

All Augmentation Gem Quests and Stipend timers have now been set to 1 day and 20 hours.

Stipend Items Cost

The following items have been reduced in cost to 1 Stipend:

  1. Augmentation Gem
  2. Level 8 Creature Spells Certificate
  3. Level 8 Item Spells Certificate
  4. Level 8 Life Spells Certificate
  5. Level 8 War Spells Certificate
  6. Level 8 Void Spells Certificate

Mule Booster

The Mule Booster in Marketplace modifies your character to a glorified Mule! Using the Mule Crystal will result in the following:

  1. Instant set to Level 180
  2. Strength set to 5,000 base
  3. Obtain a 102 slot bag - Use Mule Crystal to obtain additional Bags
  4. Augments to the Extra Pack Slot (Relog to get it to show in your inventory slot, then grab your last Bag)
  5. Obtain an Aetheria Mana Stone (for revealing Aetheria)
  6. No XP gains/passup
  7. No Luminance gains/passup
  8. No raising Attributes
  9. No Skills
  10. No Earning QB
  11. No joining fellowships
  12. Inability to tie/summon/recall portals (mules have no magic abilities of any school)

THE CHANGE IS PERMANENT!!!! (Shout out to Gorthrax <3)

Bank System

See Custom_Functionality_on_Infinite_Leaftide#Bank_System for details on the character Bank System.

Luminance Gambling

Visit the Night Club in Crater to Gamble that Luminance away! Talk to a High-Stakes Gamesmaster in the Disco Room to Gamble 50k Lum each time!
Potential Rewards:

Rare Armor and Jewelry Updates

Upgraded Rare Armor and Jewelry! Hand in your retail versions of Rare Armor or Jewelry to Drudge Hoarder in Marketplace for a version with Legendary Spells in place of the Epics! Additionally, Jewelry has been updated to include the Heroic Destroyer Set (the same Set that's on Rare Weapons).
The Drudge Hoarder will also reduce your multi-slot Rare Armor to single slots!

Skill and Attribute Redistribution

Aydra the Redistributor in Arwic sells Skill gems of Forgetfulness and Specialization and Attribute Transfer Gems for 1 Pyreal each. There's no timer for purchasing/using these Gems. (also located in AC Storage portal)

Large Packs

Bags Goes The Bagger in Arwic sells 102 Slots Packs for 80 MMDs.

Prismatic Peas

Prismatic Peas are available at Master Mages! Use a Pea Splitting Tool to obtain 1,000 Prismatic Tapers. Note: VTank does not utilize Prismatic Peas by default.

Trophy Drop Rates

  1. Bronze Statue items are increased to 100%
  2. Gromnie Teeth are increased to 50%
  3. Siraluun Claws are increased to 50%
  4. Great Mattekar Horn is increased to 50%
  5. Idol Gems are increased to 100%
  6. Dread Mattekar Paws are increased to 100%

Stacking Size and Burden

  1. Lugian Commander's Insignia and Lugian Lieutenant's Insignia are 1 BU
  2. Alternate Currencies stack to 1000
  3. Higashiyama Akako transfers Promissory Notes by stacks of 100 Alternate Currency
  4. Chorizite Potions are 1 BU
  5. Olthoi Slasher Carapaces are 1 BU and stack to 1000
  6. Olthoi Slayer Carapaces are 1 BU and stack to 1000
  7. Olthoi Ripper Spines are 1 BU and stack to 1000
  8. Encapsulated Spirits are 25 BU and stack to 10,000
  9. Prismatic Tapers at 3 BU and stack to 10,000

Shadowfire Bow

Give a Shadowfire Isparian Crossbow to Exchanger of Stuffs in Marketplace (main room) for a Shadowfire Isparian Bow.

Void Wands

Give a Soul Bound Wand, Paradox-touched Olthoi Wand (Life or War version), Upgraded Singularity Wand (Life or War version) to Exchanger of Stuffs in Marketplace (main room) for a Soul Bound Wand, a Paradox-touched Olthoi Nether Wand, or Upgrade Singularity Void Wand respectively.

Miscellaneous Updates

  1. Tusker Paw Wand slayer bonus reduced to 200% from 300%.
  2. Gaerlan's Citadel quest no longer has the Door in the Rolling Balls of Death section.
  3. Gaerlan's Citadel lower quest (Non-150+ Versions) can give Skill based weapons.
  4. Burun Kings have had their resistances and armors nerfed, including Browerk. They also now have some Void resistance, so it's no longer a pushover with Void damage.
    1. Percent chance of giving Outland Portal Device increased slightly.
    2. Percent chance of giving Dangerous Portal Device increased slightly. (+10%)
  5. Doriathazaar at the top of the Viridian Rise Tree no longer gives 100 Infused Amber Shards, you just get the quest completion QB.
  6. Olthoi Femurs now have a 100% drop rate from Olthoi Soldiers in the Catacombs of Opposition. (Olthoi Weapons Quest).
  7. Demerax the Sculptor now drops 13 shards and potions.
  8. Rynthid Tentacle Weapons can now be exchanged at the Exchanger of Stuffs in marketplace for a version without level 8 spells.
  9. Legendary Chests have an increased chance of dropping the better versions of loot than retail.
  10. Black Market Gems of Dispelling cost 25k (instead of Retail 250k)
  11. Added Legendary 2-Hand Skill buff to Green Society Band. Hand your old band to Behold Mii next to the Gauntlet Vendor for the new version.
  12. Thimrin Woodsetter in MP sells "Greatest Stamina Kits" for 50k Pyreals a piece (200 Bonus to Healing Skill, 110% Restoration Bonus)
  13. Players who die in Marketplace will not drop items on death
  14. Peas now split into 1000 of the item
  15. Rank requirement to purchase a Mansion is set to 3
  16. You cannot gamble for experience with Ancient Falatacot Trinkets or Ancient Empyrean Trinkets.
  17. No Housing restriction for account age
  18. Foolproof Onyx added to Infinite Leaftide Customs NPC in Marketplace (Nether Rending Imbue)
  19. Mythical Chests added for T9 Loot, located at Wicked Wares.
  20. Bankers within Society strongholds are now accepting stacks of Commendation Ribbons in exchange for Enlightened Coins. 1000 Ribbons : 250 Coins
  21. Olthoi Infused Shadow Armor: An unexpected NPC has mysteriously arrived at the VoD encampment claiming they're able to create a powerful new armor set.
  22. Fallen Weapons: Rare upgradeable weapons can now be found via new trophies on the corpses of Fallen VoD creatures.
  23. Colosseum completions will now reward Enlightened Coins.
  24. Blessed Moars drop rates have been increased for Society tasks. The Normal Moars were not adjusted.
  25. Banished Weapons now provide a QB stamp on pickup. 1 stamp per type but drop rate was reduced from 100%.
  26. QB stamps added for rare game item pick ups, Crystal Sword, Basalt Blade, etc.
  27. New vendor Whiterun Guard near Town Crier in Yanshi. Currently, he only carries all of the Harbinger trophies. Keep an eye on his inventory as unique items and spell scrolls will be added soon. His wares are not cheap but will help with those hard to find trophies. Also carries Fire Shreth Hide and Tree Trunk for Buadren Quest.
  28. Augmentation Realm Main Level only requires a one time quest flagging to gain access to complete Aug Gem: Sir Bellas every 2 days.
  29. The "Events R Us" NPC has mentioned to us he is tired of being summoned to each event, so rather he has sold his home and made the permanent commute to Marketplace.
  30. Stamps have been added to Worn and Battered Weapons, thanks to a recommendation from Yert the Gert. There are now stamps on pickups of both halves of the worn and battered weapons from the dirty old crates. 40 total stamps added/80 QB. Chests are still random and loot inside is still RNG.
  31. Singularity Caul Fallen now give QB on weapon pickup.
  32. Recent rare spawns adjusted slightly, have QB items added to them on top of the 1 "reward item" which is attuned now. Hold onto the QB items, a use is coming soon. Same type of QB items will be added to some of the older rare spawns, Kain, etc soon.
  33. Luminance cost for Enlighten past 150 has been adjusted to 1 Billion per Enlighten level down from 2 Billion per Enlighten level.
  34. New NPC Thalor in marketplace. He's a very crafty individual that can transmit a useful gift to you for the right price.